You're only one person


I was running a little late to the bus station in Hartford, Connecticut today after a bangarang class of 52 bootcampers!After sweating out everything in me, talking with everyone and listening to their inspirational personal stories, and a few days of rough and tumble meet & greets, I think my brain went into zone-out mode as it tends to do. I become kind of half-awake as I make my way slowly where I need to go.In my delirious state, I stepped into line for the bus going to NYC, dropped my bags and leaned against the railing to take in the beautiful Sunday afternoon sun. As I did, I noticed a girl to my right with her bags, talking on the phone, whom I had failed to notice before plopping my bags down.I think I just cut her in line.As soon as she hung up, I asked if she was going to NYC, and she replied that she was. I apologized for cutting her off in line and offered Β her place back in line to her."Oh it's fine," she said graciously. "You're only one person."I smiled a bit to myself.I am only one person.My mind wandered back to years ago when being only one person kept me from taking any action at all. I'd use it as an excuse not to change my own life, let alone anyone else's.What does it matter? I'd think to myself. I'm only one person.A lot of people I talk to at Movement Meetups get overwhelmed with the idea that they "have to change the world." What they don't realize is that if you change your own life, you are changing the world.You don't have to be the voice of whatever you believe in if you at least take action, to be the one person who chooses to act differently.There is no difference between you and the world-changers except action.Today, don't put off doing something just because you're only one person.You, my singular friend, are changing the world right now, just by you being here breathing. Take that breath and infuse some fire into it.Your action step is this:

Be the one person who changes one other person's world today.

Give up your seat for the person who looks tired... even if they're not handicapped or elderly.

Buy coffee for the person in line behind you.

Commit to volunteering a couple hours to a cause that matters to you.

Be the change today.If everyone who reads this post takes this one action, we'll have a mini movement on our hands. It all starts with just one person: you.Let the world know you're coming. Click here.****30x30mashuplogo30x30 is in its final 10 cities! Man, how time... er... distance flies!New York is not quite sold out tonight, so please tweet me (click here) or shoot me a line on facebook if you plan on coming and I'll let you know if it's full or not (full details about the event here)! If it does fill up and you're left sans bootcamp, don't fret: there are 2 more options to join me on The 30x30 Project tour in NYC...The Movement Meetup will be at 7:30 PM tonight at the Starbucks on 8th ave and 39th. Come on out and learn how to join me in this movement!PLUS:Β I am doing a bonus run club on Wednesday to kick off lululemon athletica Meatpacking District's first run club ever! Come join me in this honor of taking New Yorkers through a fun run with corrective core work on Wednesday night. Meet us at 408 W 14th St. (at 9th ave) at 6:45 PM and get your run on!What else is happening in The 30x30 world? We've got Philly this Saturday (Movement Meetup on Friday night). We're literally closing down streets for this event, so don't miss it! Sunday brings a kick-ass Cinco de Mayo 30x30 event in DC! You'll regret skipping out on this run around The National Mall capped off with HIIT to get your margarita-sipping, guacamole-dipping day started! Possible Mexican food Movement Meetup to follow... Chime in here if you're down!On a side note, I am very excited to announce that Austin, TX is hitting the 30x30 Project Tour Map! Details are being discussed, but the basics are this: Sunday, May 12th at Synergy Fitness Bootcamps. Texas, I bet you thought I was done with you! Not quite so lucky, my friends. ;)I've got the final bootcamp a-brewin' to be revealed here in the next couple weeks. Stay close.Suck It, Temptation! Challenge-takers, hang in there. We'll check in next time!Let's bring it tonight, New York.With hope and fire,Amy