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These are a few of my fav-o-rite thiiings

This is the catch-all page for all my favorite things including books, movement assistors, conscious parenting guides and charities I work with or promote.

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My Amazon Store

I carefully curated our self-care store on Amazon. It’s got all my favorite books, movement supporters, gift ideas and mental health boosters in it. Heads up: I’m an affiliate for Amazon which means I make a commission if you buy after clicking.

Find a therapist

Therapy is for everyone! Click the button below to find a therapist in your area.

Find a HAES pro

Looking for a HAES-aligned professional? As a HAES pro myself, I have high standards when I recommend other wellness pros. The ASDAH directory has a bunch of professionals whom have all pledged to abide by the HAES principles; I’m a proud member myself!

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IE Group

Somatics Sessions
