What Is Performance Health Recovery?
If you read this blog often, you've probably read the term, "performance health," on more than one occasion. I talk about it a lot here because performance health recovery is basically what we do here. But what does that mean?!
Glad you asked, Health Hero. I'm gonna give you the lowdown on exactly what that means and if it's for you right here right now!
What is performance health recovery?
To start this conversation, let's talk about what performance health is, and how it isn't the health that Strong Inside Out knows and loves.Pulling from one of our cornerstone posts here on SIO, Redefining "Health": What Performance Health Is + Why I'm Done with It:
In today's market, there are a lot of systems and programs that are only interested in how you perform against THEIR standards of health, using their measurements of success. It's often a series of metrics that track physical size, endurance and strength. This is "performance health."
Health as we promote it here at SIO is very different from performance health in that it's based much deeper than metrics and shamey-wamey marketing.
My definition of Health is not a single metric or a measurement, it's every action you take to build your spirit, mind and body. It's balanced. It feels good. It never tells you that you're not enough!
Performance health recovery is the embrace of this balanced form of health and the rejection of performance health standards and behaviors.
Enticing? Keep reading, friend.
Is performance health recovery for you?
What Is Performance Health Recovery? by @stronginsideout
We think so! If you're reading this right now, it's probably because you find this kind of anti-shame material refreshing, no? Maybe this is one of the only places you come for health advice that feels good and validating instead of making you feel unworthy or like you need to "fix" something about yourself.
Performance health recovery is for anyone who's so over being jerked around by shaming, metric-based health standards, and wants to discover a version of health that's personal, feels good and works for you in the long-term.
We're big fans of the body positivity movement and the movement to end stigma around mental health, but we were missing their counterpart in the health world. So we made it here. This is the anti-shame, judgment-free place where you can come to get supported and motivated in your individual health journey!
Still wondering if it's for you? Do any of the below resonate?
You've dieted countless times before and nothing's worked the way you wanted it to (or hasn't lasted). In fact, you might have food or body image obsession that makes you feel bad about yourself.
You've become obsessive and rigid around your diet and workout regimen and it feels like if anything goes wrong, your whole life will break down.
Your health regimen revolves around you looking a certain way, and it feels desperate.
Working out feels like a chore. You hear people talking about loving movement and you wish that was you.
Your mental health ping-pongs back and forth due to overwhelm, burn out or lack of consistency, and you just want to feel better already.
You don't know why you hate on yourself all the time, but you can't stop and you want help liking yourself more.
Health should feel fun, fluid and like it's your own. That's our goal here at Strong Inside Out: to help you find that feeling more often.
So where do I start?
First of all, yayyyyy for wanting to start! That's a huge hurtle on its own!Because this is all about your individual health, you can start in a ton of different places! Here are a few options:
Educate Yo Self
Read these posts to get edumucated (maybe just take in one a day so you can really let it soak in):General Health
Nutritional Health
Mental/Emotional Health
Get Weekly Reminders
Make sure you're on our email list to get our Weekly Motivational - a short, intention-based email sent every Monday to get your week started on a balanced note. Click here to sign up!
Go Deeper
Looking to do some real, deep work on yourself? We've got programs that help you build individual health and break free from the chains of all the shamey, judgy stuff.Mental Optics is our 30-day challenge that helps you reframe your mindset into a balanced, healthy, mostly-positive one. You'll get tons of info, personalization and tools to help you make real change happen! Click here to learn more.
Strong Inside Out Health Essentials is our 6-week foundational program here at Strong Inside Out. It's where we teach you how to build a balanced movement and eating practice free of shame and guilt. Think it's not possible? Neither did I...until I did it. This course teaches you everything I spent thousands of dollars and years learning. Click here to learn more!
That's a wrap!
Now that you know what performance health is, you have a choice. Do you continue to go down the path of performance health, beating yourself into results you've been told you're supposed to get? OR do you want to build your own version of health that feels good and fun?I know what we're choosing. If you're coming along for the ride, we welcome you. There's plenty of room on this wild ride!
Hugs n' fist bumps,