The Perfect Trap: My Talk for Think Better, Live Better

It is with excitement and a bit of perfectionistic fear that I share this with you: The Perfect Trap: How to Stop Sabotaging Your Health and Fitness (my talk for the Think Better, Live Better conference). Why the fear? Let me tell you about it, stud...

Leading up to my talk for Think Better, Live Better, I didn't have as much time as I usually get to devote to my talks. I was hugely pregnant when I wrote it and had a freshly-baked baby when I started practicing it.

I'm used to prepping for talks like this with hours at a time of practice. This time around, I was running it through while doing laundry and peeing, hoping Maya wouldn't wake up from her very brief nap.

I almost convinced myself not to share this video because it could be perfect-er...which is the very reason why I'm deciding to share it anyway.

Because logical me knows that it was pretty effing awesome. I had a great time giving this talk and people seemed really receptive to it. It was just more fun than it usually is this time around because I let go more than usual. I want to share that with you.

So here goes. My imperfect triumph. I hope you enjoy.

Hugs n' fist bumps,
