Jack Up Your Day, Naturally

You know those days when you wake up and just lie there for a few minutes, dreading the day ahead?  With a sigh, and heavy limbs, you roll onto your side and jerk yourself up, as if you need to do it fast or it won't happen at all.  With extraordinary effort, you push your weight onto your feet and lumber toward the bathroom under your Eeyore cloud of gloom...Everyone has these days, and it's totally normal!  I sometimes get angry with myself for not jumping out of bed, singing Sleeping Beauty-style, eager to train my first client, ready to take on LA traffic with a smile and grace, Eskimo-kissing with the birds that are brushing my hair...Unfortunately–and I mean that–life is not a Disney princess movie. *sigh*Some days everything just feels heavy.  You're not looking forward to ANYTHING– you're only thinking about the workload that awaits you and the chores you have to do afterwards.  You don't have the energy you want– you're thinking you can't possibly make it through the day ahead.You, my friend, are caught in your head.THIS is what zaps our energy and keeps us from living life in the moment- endless thinking, analyzing, and procrastination.Being stuck in your head prevents you from being present, and experiencing your life.So how can you get out of your head and into the now?  How can you give yourself a jolt of energy that lasts for hours without drugs or caffeine?The key is to breaking the cycle of dwelling on the negative- what you're dreading, how you're not going to have enough energy. Then, focus on something positive instead.Here are some tricks I use that I try to include in my daily routine...Cue the singing, bird stylists!

Give Someone A Genuine Compliment

In the very beginning of your day, find someone to compliment.  The joy you give them will be contagious, and will give you hours of warm-fuzzies.There's all sorts of ways to compliment someone (just make sure that it's from the heart, not just something made up because I'm telling you that you have to).  You can compliment someone on their smile, the perfect coffee they make you in the morning, the confidence they exude through their style and attitude.  Tell them how much you admire them, appreciate them, look up to them.Everyone loves to hear compliments, and I bet they'll be thinking about it for the rest of the day, if not for much longer than that.

Express Gratitude For Five Things

Not feeling like talking to anyone out there this morning?  Good news!  You only have to talk to YOURSELF for this one!You have 2 options with this method: You can either write down specifically 5 things you are thankful for and why, or you can say it out loud to yourself in the mirror.Sounds a little crazy, no?  A little new age for you?  Just try it, and see what I mean!If you say it out loud in front of the mirror: you can see how happy your five things actually make you.  Watch your smile.  Watch your eyes light up.There's nothing like physical proof of happiness to jolt you out of your low state and into the "I'm a lucky gal/guy" frame of mind.If you're still a little iffy on talking to yourself, try starting with the writing first and work your way up to saying it out loud.  They're different experiences, but both can be very effective for getting you out of your head.

Tell Someone You Love Them

This one's simple, and often glazed over too quickly.How many times have you run out the door and quickly spurted "I love you," at your significant other, not sure if he/she even heard you or not?Take the time this morning to really tell him how much he means to you.  Look into his eyes and make sure he understands that his existence makes you a happier person.Want bonus happy points?  Find a creative way to tell her.  Leave a heartfelt, genuine note in her purse where she'll see it later in the day.  Maybe send her an impromptu ecard.  Get creative here.  The more creative, the better!*****These are just a few easy ways to get out of your head and into the present.  There are soooo many more options out there that I'm sure you've tried before, too.What tips do you have that jolt you out of your head and into the now?Leave some tips below and help out some other readers!Hope this helps to jolt some energy and positivity into your day!  As always, feel free to ask any questions in the comments below.