Is Food Running Your Life?

Before my recovery, food was a constant source of distress. No, "distress" doesn't cover it. It was all-out chaos in my head - I was constantly over-controlling what went into my body, or flailing through a complete loss of control.Sound familiar?

I found a process that really freaking works to dissolve food and body image obsession, and I want to share it with you.

Starting on March 26th, I'll be leading a group of 3-5 people through a 3-month group coaching intensive. We'll check in daily in a private Facebook Group and talk over video chat every week. A small group like this allows me to coach in the best way I know how - in an intimate, individualized way that meets you where you're at (without the expense of individual coaching).For me, the key elements of my breakthrough with obsessive and compulsive eating/starving were:

  • Constant loving (but no bullshit) support & accountability

  • A safe space to be real, raw and vulnerable

  • A clear, individualized focus every week

  • Straight-forward exercises and actionables

With those elements in mind, I'm structuring this intensive to be the holy grail of small group coaching. I've even added Facebook Messenger access to me for those times when you need instant support. It's the first time I'm offering it as part of a group experience because I know how helpful it was for me to have someone to reach out to right away when I was doing the hard shit.While I usually offer this process in my Intentional Eating course, I'm currently overhauling it to fit the new feel of Strong Inside Out. This group coaching intensive is taking its place while I bring the course up to my high standards.

Sorry, the Intentional Eating Group Coaching Intensive is closed. Check out our coaching options instead - click here!

If this feels right to you, I hope to see you on the inside.All Love,Amy