The Question That Will Change Your Relationship to Health

When we think of "health," many of us think "restriction" or "no pain, no gain." Well, I'm here to set you straight with one simple question:

What if what you believe isn't true?

Just because we learned something was a certain way doesn't mean that it's true.

What if the way you've been taught to get healthy isn't actually the way to get healthy? Restriction, deprivation, and pushing yourself beyond your body's limits actually doesn't make you healthier; it makes you sicker.

I wanna devote the rest of this post to dispelling a couple of health myths that we just take as truth.

Health Myths

1. You have to eat super clean and go hungry.

Just like everything else, health isn't all or nothing. While nutrition is important, so is honoring your body's hunger. If you're hungry, eat food! If you're not, look at the reasons why you want to eat. Don't know what hunger feels like anymore? Get to know it - I can help. Keep reading.

2. If you're not sore for days, you're not working out hard enough.

Sure, soreness is an indicator that you're on your way to getting stronger, but soreness for days on end is actually a sign of overtraining, which can lead to injury and burn out. You wanna find the balance of movement that feels good to your body while you're in it, and offers just enough stimulation to produce change. Not sure what that looks like? I'll get to that in a sec.

3. Health isn't enough. It's looks that matter.

This is one you might not hear out loud very often, but it's one of the most pervasive secret beliefs of our culture. It's because we've been bred to conform to attractiveness. I've got some truth to lay down on you:

No matter what you look like, if you're not healthy at the core, you will never feel good in your skin.

It's something I realized when I achieved my all-time body goals, then proceeded to spend oodles of cash on correcting all the imbalances I created in my body and mind.

Confidence in your body comes from knowing you can rely upon yourself to take care of it. 

The real shit never comes from outside sources.

If you want to feel good in your skin, start taking care of it. And that doesn't mean restricting or pushing yourself so hard you crash and burn. There's a gentler, wayyyyy more effective way, and it's called Strong Inside Out Health Essentials.

Strong Inside Out Health Essentials is the balanced approach to balanced health.

Worried you'll have to give up Summer BBQ deliciousness? 

You better not! Health Essentials doesn't require you to give up any particular foods. Plus, you'll learn a no-nonsense way to eat when you're hungry and get mindful when you're not which is super helpful for parties and events.

Worried you won't have time to do "enough" at the gym? 

Health Essentials teaches you how to make your movement schedule fit your lifestyle, not the other way around. And you'll learn how to do only as much as feels good to you so you're not too sore to do all your fun Summer activities.

You don't have to put off healthy for the perfect time. You can take your first steps with a supportive group behind you, and it doesn't have to be perfect for you to make freaking awesome progress. Click the link below to learn more.

Strong Inside Out Health Essentials is limited to 20 members and is open through Monday, July 9th, the same day the course starts.

It's such a relief to finally be able to welcome you into this world I've been working on for the last 6 months. It's everything I ever wanted in a health program that teaches True Health, not the shit that we're taught to believe is health. It's my life's work, and I really hope you get the chance to be a part of it.

To making your own truth,


P.S. If SIO Health Essentials looks like something your friends might be into, could you share it with them? It would help me a ton!