The Biggest Release of SIO's History

In last week's post, I shared how disgusted I am with the way the health industry views people as "lost causes" in the Summertime. If you haven't partaken in their become-enough diet or workout-till-you-drop plans, then June's "too late."

I believe that's grade A Bullshit, babe. First of all, there's no freaking deadline on health because it's not something you just achieve and then you're done. Secondly, what they're selling isn't health; it's restriction and manipulation.

So I'm doing something radical. For the biggest unveiling of Strong Inside Out's lifetime, I'm opening its doors right in the heart of health's "dead zone." Because you're not a lost cause. You deserve health no matter the season, and real health at that.

Introducing our new foundational program, Strong Inside Out Health Essentials

For the last 6 months, I've been working on a huge project I couldn't tell you about. This is it.

From all my years of experience in recovery - both personal and with clients - and hours of research into everything health, I finally put together the program that incorporates the full scope of what I believe about building an individual relationship with movement and nutrition.

This is unlike any of my other courses; it's what those courses stem from.

  • I haven't released a course that touched movement in over 3 years. This program teaches you exactly how to know how much movement to do, when to do it, and when to rest without guilt.

  • I've incorporated the foundational elements of Intentional Eating right into this program so that you can adopt the fundamentals of conscious eating AND know how to balance it with the nutrition you need.

  • Never have I addressed change and motivation head on in a course. After tons of research, I teach you how to build deep motivation that evolves right along with you.

I've put more work into this program than I have into anything else I've ever created.

If you've been looking for a no-nonsense guide to building your individual health from the ground up, this is it.

The Details

Strong Inside Out Health Essentials is a 6-Week Program that teaches you how to build a foundation of individual health through movement and nutrition without the shame shit.

What members get:

  • 6 weeks of research-based education and exercises that allow you to integrate as you go.

  • A 70+ page Personal Record Journal PDF that takes you through every exercise as you go throughout the weeks!

  • Personalized quizzes to help you understand where you are now and how to get closer to True Health.

  • A supportive, safe environment to share and grow with others in our private Facebook Group. Enrollment is limited to 20 members.

  • TONS of access to me on weekdays including 2 days/week of office hours so you can get coaching, answers and clarity live!

Because this is the first go-round of the program, I'm going to throw my whole self into it because YOU are my greatest teacher. I want to learn from your experience. While I'm confident in the material, it's important to me to make the program as helpful and efficient as I possibly can. What that means is mega-availability and responsiveness from me in our private Facebook Group including office hours (live me time) 2 times per week.

Enrollment is limited to 20 members and is open through Monday, July 9th, the same day the course starts.

I'm more grateful and excited than I can say about finally being able to put this work out into the world. If it's right for you, I confidently believe it's going to revolutionize the way you look at and go after health.

Standing up for True Health + hoping you'll join me,
