Where Are You Coming From?

Where Are You Coming From?"Where are you coming from?"This is a question I heard often in Bali. Drivers, hotel concierges and shopkeepers alike would ask me this question especially because my half Chinese side and my newfound Bali tan make me look Indonesian. I would laugh and tell them that I wasn't and they would proceed on to the next topic of conversation...But the question sticks with me even now as I soar over The Java Sea on the flight that takes me to Bangkok via Kuala Lumpur."Where are you coming from?"Here on SIO, we usually ask the opposite question: "Where are you going?" Then, we discuss the most effective way to get there.Where you're coming from, however, may be just as valuable a component when it comes to goals.Every action you take comes from an emotion. If your actions direct you to your goals, who's to say that your emotions don't have a hand in your arrival, being the source of the journey?I've mentioned that when I act, I try to come from a place of love at all times. Though I'm still working on it, I'm proud to say that I'm successful for the majority of my actions.Back before my hospitalization, I would constantly act from what I call "The Dark Origin." Whether it was fear or anger, I was always digging myself deeper until I finally considered that another way might be possible.I noticed a change in all of these things within the first week:

  • Positive reactions from friends, family and coworkers; they wanted to be around me more often
  • Personal training clients became more compliant and, therefore, successful
  • More strangers wanted to hire me as their trainer because they noticed my attitude with clients

It was this one step that redirected my actions to accomplish what I had set out to do, and apparently, it made me more attractive to be around! My goals hadn't changed; it was the origin of my actions that shifted.Your intent directs you, but if your emotional drive is not aligned, you may be steering yourself off course without knowing it.Let's go deeper today as we evaluate where our actions originate so that we may effectively journey onward. This knowledge and awareness could be your key to finally reaching your goals.

The Two Origins

To determine what source your actions are coming from, we must identify the origin. In order to simplify the process, I'm dividing your emotional sources into two categories of origins:

1. Dark

This origin encompasses the emotions of fear, anger and pain. After taking an action from this place, you may feel anxious, guilty, or depressed. Typically, taking an action from this origin results in persistent or worsening dark feelings.

2. Light

This source includes emotions like love and compassion. After taking an action that originates in this place, you may feel lightness, an energy increase and dark emotions may lessen or subside completely. Consistently taking actions from this origin creates increased love and compassion and promotes a lightness of being.Though these origins are opposites, they have similar qualities. Both are addictive; if you begin acting from either origin, you may feel yourself being pulled toward that same origin in future actions. Initially, it is hard to break the addiction to the dark origin if you have been acting from this place for a long time.Both origins are similarly attractive as well, but drastically different in what they attract. Each origin seems to attract people and events that produce more of the feelings that populate the origin you commonly act from.If you act from the dark, you may find the people that surround you act the same way. Things may "always go wrong" for you, or you may feel like you can "never catch a break."On the opposite end of the spectrum, light-sourced people find themselves surrounded by people who also act from love and compassion. Life is full of blessings, and luck is on their side.It may be a bit obvious which origin I'm going to urge you toward.Acting from light allows you to live fully, and welcomes in the blessings you are after. As long as your goal is one that aligns with the light, your journey will be swifter and downright more pleasant.

Redirecting to Light

There are 3 steps to the process that I am going to take you through to start acting from a loving place. First off, we must find it within you.

1. Finding The Light

Everyone has light within them. If you are depressed or really stressed out, it may just take a little bit of time to locate. Don't worry; we'll find it together.For this exercise, allow yourself a good 15-20 minutes. It may not take that long, but it's good to have the time so you're not worried about having a deadline. The excess time may also help you relax into the exercise, which may bring out your light source faster.

  1. Sit in a quiet, isolated place and sit comfortably and close your eyes.
  2. Start taking some deep breaths. Let the breathing clear your mind. Imagine each deep breath bringing light in, and each exhale, letting go of worries or doubts that may be swimming around in your mind.
  3. Now, bring into your mind someone or something that makes you very happy. Maybe this is someone you love deeply, or maybe it's an activity you do to release stress.
  4. In your mind, place yourself with this person or doing the activity. Let yourself live in this place for a little while. This feeling (not the person or thing that inspires it) is your light source.

2. Harnessing The Light

Now that you've found your light source, you must learn how to bring it up for when you act. For me, the coupling of breathing into that light place, and a simple mantra does wonders.For the first step, just take a deep breath and remember that place of joy and light that you found in the last exercise. If it doesn't happen instantly, don't fret: this will become a quicker process as you practice.For the next step, we want to find an affirmation that roots you in a light-based intention. Mine is just this: "Act from love." It serves as a gentle reminder to ground myself in the light before acting. Explore a few and settle on the one that works best for you.Before taking action, take these easy steps to harness the light.

3. Act from Light

Before you DO, take the time to evaluate whether this action aligns with your light.

Will this action make me feel negatively when or after I do it?

Will this action get me closer to my goals while staying true to my values and light?

If your answers produce negative responses, ask yourself: is my goal rooted in dark intentions? It can be life-changing to realize that your goals (or the reason you're going after them) are actually taking you away from your values, your worth, and your light.To live a full, joyous life is to be able to be one with your light throughout it. It should never be compromised. It should never have to be.If you've found that your goals are rooted in darkness, take a deep breath. It's ok to start over now. Adjust your intentions or your goal so that it brings you even closer to that feeling of light.Isn't it funny, that where you're coming from can be the same as where you're going? If you come from light, it will bring you more light.Let it shine, my friends. Emanate love, and it will come right back to you.Stay strong,AmyTravel update: I'm on my way to Bangkok today for a less-than-24-hour visit, then off to Chiang Mai. Bali was lovely and I'm already looking forward to returning. I got a little sick while in Bali, but all is pretty good now. Still feeling a little off, but getting better every day. It's been tough not being able to do my HIIT workouts that I'm used to. I can feel the difference, inside and out. ;) I'm really looking forward to some of the great yoga classes in Chiang Mai! More updates to come!