When It Rains...

whenitrainsI have so much to tell you guys about, and I just don't know where to begin, so please forgive me if this post is a little mish-mashed. :)Here's what we're going to be talking about today:

  • Welcome, newbies!
  • Updates and a few words on the movement
  • Sooo, I'm shooting a workout video... (like, a real one)
  • I'm a freakin' Greatist!/30-Day Challenge Check-In

Welcome, newbies!

allgps1-20I want to start by welcoming everyone new to Strong Inside Out. Yay, new friends!

Welcome welcome welcome, nerds, legend-livers, changelings, meatheads, entrepreneurs, surfers, traffic-thinkers, ignitors, beasts, vagabonds and all those who came over just from hearing about the movement!

If you haven't said hi yet, please do leave us a comment here with a little about yourself, why you came and joined our community, and what you're working on right now.

Updates and a few words on the movement

As you know if you read my last post, I revealed my big dream and launched the IndieGoGo campaign for it on Friday.Guys, we raised over 20% in the first day.ย And when I shut down my computer on Sunday, we were at 25% already. I am still blown away by those numbers.igg1stweekendThank you. Thank you. Thank you.More than that, the movement seems to be spreading like wildfire. Not only are people donating and helping get the word out, they are actively getting behind the cause and pushing it forward. They are joining the ranks at the front of this movement and saying, "I will fight this with you. Give me something to do."And I sit here and think back to all the times I thought everything was over, and I realize that they were the beginning of this triumph.Imagine if we could convince all those people out there who feel like there's nothing left for them, to realize that there is hope for a life without so much pain.Sometimes I think in pins, so I made this one up...I realize that many people don't want to talk about mental health. It's still taboo to acknowledge even though many of us struggle with it every day. And that's ok.I received more personal emails about people's experiences with depression and suicide after last week's post than I did comments, and I completely understand that and thank every one of you for sharing with me.Sharing with just one person whom you trust can open the door to recovery. I am happy to be that one person.If you want to help spread the hope movement, here's an easy tweetable that could help a lot:

We will spread hope like wildfire. (click to tweet)

No twitter account? No worries. If you could just share using the facebook or email buttons at the top of the IndieGoGo page (right under the video), that would be super-awesome, too.If you haven't gotten a chance to check it out yet, my 30x30 Project page looks pretty sweet thanks to my friend, Alex. Head on over and check out the movement there, too!

Sooo, I'm shooting a workout video (like, a real one)

That's right! If you haven't had a chance to check out the perks on IndieGoGo, you may have missed the fact that I'm creating an actual workout video!It will be a collection of shorter workouts to do separately or altogether for a full-body, sweat-pouring, not-too-serious workout!The cool thing is this: if you donate $100 or more to The 30x30 Project, you get a free download of the whole series, AND you get to vote on the last section of the video!Dying for a killer balance and toning workout? How about a Better-Than-Spanx butt-booster? Maybe you'd rather show the guns off with a shoulder-shocking section? Whatever your fancy, you choose when you help the movement gain some ground.The whole series will be available for purchase here in the Spring, so stay tuned for info on how you can get some serious sweat-age on your own media devices.And now, how I'm feeling about shooting a workout video...Had you asked me 5 years ago if I would ever make a workout video, I'd have laughed in your face. Loudly.It's funny how much people really can change. How much dreams really change.Though I'm a little freaked out about the idea of being in front of the camera for more than 5 minutes, I'm really excited!I'll be shooting with the same director who did my 30x30 video, so I know I'm in good hands and I know it'll turn out stellar. I'm definitely coming up against some serious fear right now, though.I have so many things happening in my life all at once that really push me out of my comfort zone. I'm deep in fear country right now, guys.But I'm practicing what I preach. Those doubts? Those fears? They are a sign that I'm onto something worth doing, and I'm trudging forward.Deep breaths, lots of stress-relieving running, lifting and yoga-ing, and some serious action-taking, and I'm grounded back into what really matters.

In the end, it's what we do in the face of fear that matters, not what we are too scared to do. (click to tweet)

Don't forget why you're doing what you're doing. Letย fear be your guide.

I'm a freakin' Greatist!/ The 30-Day Challenge Check-In

AmysagreatistUh, Amy, what does that mean?Amongst all the hullabaloo of the last couple weeks, the title of "Greatist Ambassador" was bestowed upon me! What does Greatist mean?Greatist.com is a super-awesome site full of interesting, funny and actionable health and fitness tips. Here's what a Greatist Ambassador is responsible for in the words of Greatist:

"By becoming a Greatist Ambassador, you take on the awesome challenge of not only making better choices for yourself, but promising to empower, inform, and inspire others to become greatists, too."

I've been a Greatist fan for the last year or so and it is an honor to be an ambassador for them.The first post I am to write as ambassador is supposed to be about one healthier choice I'm making this year, and how I'm going to inspire you all to make one, too.One? ;)Well... I think hope is pretty damn healthy, and I'm working to make it a reality in every person out there. That's how I'm working to inspire health into others.As for myself, I am continuing on my 30-Day Challenge as you all are. If you don't know what I'm talking about, I encouraged all SIO readers to take on or take out one habit that would make them healthier for 30 days starting January 1st. We're almost to the end, and now I want to hear from you!We are 3 weeks into our Keep Going 30-Day Challenge (if you're new: don't worry! It's never too late to start :)) and I want to support you however I am able.At this point, you can feel the impact that your new healthy habit is having on you.

How is your life different now that you aren't plagued by that bad habit, or now that you've taken on this one that is leading you down the road to better health?

Can you focus more easily? Are you less stressed? Are you noticing changes in your body? Is your favorite activity becoming easier?Please indulge me with some answers so I don't keep rambling on in my quest to read your thoughts. ;)In the comments below:

  • If you've been doing the 30-Day Challenge, tell us how you're feeling and any words of advice or motivation for those who are going to start.
  • If you're new to Strong Inside Out, commit to starting a 30-Day Challenge! When you're here in this space, I am going to push you to take positive action to turn your life into what you want it to be. Why wait? Let's start right here and now. Let us know what you're going to do for 30 days and one action you can take today to make it easier for yourself.

Looking forward to getting inspired by you all...Stay strong, guys,AmyBy the way, I'm up on Entrepreneur On Fire, Think Traffic, Become A Beast, and Vagabond Studio today, so please do head over and take a look-see!