Stop Fixing Yourself

I used to be driven by the need to fix myself so I could be the "healthiest" version of me possible. I'd restrict my food until all I could think about was the foods I wouldn't allow myself to eat. I'd overtrain my body until my hormones got all whack. The scariest part was that I was taught that this was normal.

A lot of the available information about getting healthy is dangerous for people like me. People who tend to get obsessive, perfectionistic, all-or-nothing or burn out easily don't do well with the kind of extreme fitness and diet culture recommendations that are touted all over social media.

Here's the reality: Working out and eating healthy shouldn't be a generalized process based on shaming rules and averaged metrics.

And it definitely shouldn't be fueled by shame, guilt or judgment; it should be based on you as an individual. But it's hard for health extremists to market that. If they keep you focused on "fixing" what they tell you is wrong with you, you never get to the juicy stuff; the stuff that breaks you free from the mindset that you'll never be enough unless you achieve what they say you should achieve. The stuff that actually allows you to get and stay healthy with ease and grace.

I'm here to tell you to stop fixing yourself. Because nothing's wrong with you. You've just been taught that you'll only be worthy if you conform to what they say is enough (aka performance health ideals).

True Health is achieved not by fixing yourself, but by coming back to yourself.

Your body knows what makes it feel good and what doesn't, but those connections got all mucked up by bad advice and judgy bullshit. Recovering those connections is a journey, especially if you don't know where to start or you never learned the actual, factual information about nutrition and exercise. That's where I want to come in and help if you want it.

SIO Health Essentials

Strong Inside Out Health Essentials

Strong Inside Out Health Essentials is a 6-week online course that gets you back in touch with your body and educates you with the facts (not the latest trends) so that you can achieve your individual version of health. You won't find any food limitations, workout schedules or shaming rules in here. It's a process based on you and freeing you from the limitations that have been imposed on you for so long!

Here's the whole gist of it:

Strong Inside Out Health Essentials is a 6-week online program that teaches you how to build a foundation of individual health through movement and nutrition without the shame shit (judgments, scales, enough-ness dangling carrots, etc.)

And here's everything you get:

  • 6 weeks of research-based education and exercises that allow you to integrate as you go.

  • A comprehensive Personal Record Journal PDF that takes you through every exercise as you go!

  • Personalized quizzes to help you understand where you are now and how to get closer to True Health in a highly individualized way.

  • A supportive, safe environment to share and grow with others in our private Facebook Group.

This program is the one I created for younger me. This is what I wish I'd had back when I was learning about health and fitness, AND when I was recovering from all the harmful things I'd done and been taught. Whether you're starting fresh or want recovery from all the performance health bullshit you've been handed over the years, SIO Health Essentials has got your back.

If this sounds like something that would be helpful for you, click here to learn more.

Whatever you choose, I hope you'll give up on "fixing" yourself with us. 'Cause we think you're pretty awesome like this (even if you're working toward a goal).

Hugs n' fist bumps,
