Fear of Depression Returning? Read This.

A few weeks ago, I sent out a Weekly Motivational in response to a reader's request and got an overwhelming response from subscribers. People from all across the interwebs reached out to remind me of just how common the fear of depression returning is.

In honor of World Suicide Prevention Day tomorrow and all the people who are working their way through depression recovery one day at a time, I wanted to share this here with you today. I hope it brings you some relief.


Hi, Lovey Boo. We're gonna chat about something that's pretty important and pervasive among Health Heroes: the fear of depression returning.


A bunch of us in the Strong Inside Out community deal with or have dealt with depression. It's unfortunate how common it is, AND it's wonderful that we have this community to come together and share all the ways that healing is possible.

But what happens when you do heal from it, and you're so traumatized by it that you live in constant fear of its return?

We talk a lot about performance health in terms of movement and nutrition, but PH exists for mental health, too. It shows up in similar ways to the physical manifestations, like when we say "suck it up and get over it," or "smile through it."

Like extreme fitness or diet culture, performance mental health has us believing that we have to be one way and one way only, that any "imperfections" (aka periods of anything other than happiness) are signs that we're not doing it right, and that we can just think our way into happiness.

Now that you're in performance health recovery, your Mental Optics are changing (yay!), but some of those leftover belief systems might be clinging on for dear life. One such system is the one that fears and resists the return of depression.

I'm not just talking at you on this one; I used to be terrified of the return of depression. I was so terrified that I used to go into denial when depression returned because I believed it was a failure on my part. Because performance health teaches us that depression is here because we're doing something wrong.

Depression is not happening because of your failure.

It's a natural cycle for some of us, and for others, it's just the way our bodies and minds tell us that we need to change something. In this mindset, it's easier to acknowledge that depression may return no matter what. I know, I know, it's not the most fun thing to acknowledge, but it doesn't have to be terrifying either.

If we view depression as a natural low on our way back to the high, it might be easier to accept it when it comes around again.

So instead of letting old PH belief systems freak you the F out about the return of depression, try adopting this as your mantra:

"Depression might come back, and if it does I welcome it with open arms."

 And remind yourself:

  • You can handle depression so much better this time around than you did last time BECAUSE of everything you learned from your last depressive episode.

  • Depression doesn't last as long and doesn't hit as hard if we allow it to come, rather than resist its presence.

  • If you've been working your tools, it's possible that depression won't come back, or will look completely different the next time it does.

But most of all, remind yourself that no matter what happens, you can handle it. You've got this, boo. Depression or no.

You are so strong (even when you feel weak),


If you liked this, you'd love our Weekly Motivational. It's our weekly email that's chock full of motivation to release the shame shit and embrace your individual health. You can sign up for it here.