Change Is In The Hair: A Risk-Taking Challenge

Ladies and gentlemen, I'd like to introduce you to the new me... about 5 pounds of hair lighter, and a bit more purple. :)

Why the new 'do, Amers?

Quite a few reasons actually, blog post:

  • I'm sick of "Sweet Amy" hair. I've been wanting to get color in my hair for years, and have just been too chicken sh** to go through with it.
  • I figured, I'm still in my 2os so I can get away with it... hopefully...
  • I'm a year away from my wedding; there's plenty of time to dye it back!
  • I was sick of not taking risks. This next year is going to be all about change, taking hefty, knock-the-wind-outta-you risks, and going all out.

Well, it's kinda tough for me to write this to you and have the effect I'm looking for, so I figured I'd tell you face-to-face...

Video time!

Don't forget to comment below with the risk category you're taking this week!

Here's the gist of the challenge again for those of you who couldn't watch the video yet:

Take one risk that makes you want to pee your pants... but jump up and down in excitement at the same time.

Choose from one of these Risk Categories:


Do a completely different workout this week than you have ever done before. Take that class you've always wanted to take. Go out for a run even if you've never run more than the mile in PE. Try some yoga, even if you're a dude! Challenge your body in a way it's not used to to start getting super sweet results fast.


You know that person you exchange smiles with at the gym? Or that "friend" you have at work who's always giving you subtle hints? That one person you've been dying to go out with? ASK THEM OUT. No really, you can do it. It's just about saying eff it and go for it. What's the worst that can happen? If they say no, move on to someone else. But what if they say yes? Think of the possibilities! That's jump-up-and-down-exciting to me.


We've all been there, wanting to start something and never getting around to it. A book, an art project, a song, a new skill. This week, swallow whatever ridiculous excuses you've been telling yourself and start creating. Just start. Go create. Go make this world a more beautiful place.

Comment below with the risk-taking category you're gonna tackle this week!

Looking forward to hearing how you're becoming a risk-taker, too! No hair dye necessary. ;)See you in the comments!-Amy