How does Somatics help with Intuitive Eating?

If you’ve taken a look around my site and social media, you may be asking yourself how Somatics helps integrate Intuitive Eating. Let me make this a little less mysterious for you.

How Somatics helps with Intuitive Eating

Hunger + Fullness Cues

Somatics connects us to our bodies which helps people learn what a hunger or fullness cue even feels like (something that’s hard for a lot of us coming off diet culture and/or disordered eating).

Facing Emotions

Somatics teaches us how to be in and deal with emotions. Many of us who eat emotionally or from boredom lack the tools to tolerate discomfort. Somatics is a practice in doing just that.

Getting In Touch with Your Needs

Somatics helps us get in touch with our nutritional needs by checking in with the body, which is super helpful when we can’t determine what our needs are logically due to noisy programming.

Body Trust

Somatics is the best tool I’ve found to build body trust; when you can hear, listen to and honor your body, trust is rebuilt within it. This trust allows us to more intimately treat feelings and thoughts of deprivation, restriction and overeating. It’s also essential for you to find your own version of health (not a generic blueprint some old white guy said you “should” have).

Curious to try it?

I use somatics in my virtual Intuitive Eating Group to help people not only learn the principles, but EMBODY them. So you don’t just know what to do, but learn how to live it as you go.

Click here to check out my Intuitive Eating Group and get on the waitlist for early access!

Photo by Darius Bashar on Unsplash