The 4 Movements of Health

When I tell people I'm a coach, they usually respond with one of three things:

"Like, a life coach?"

"Oh so you're a trainer!"

*smile and nod, then change subject*

I'm not a life coach nor am I a trainer. I understand the smile and nod part, too. "Coach" is such a generic word now, right? There are coaches for ev.ree.thang.How I coach, however, is a very different line of work. I take my background of personal development, physical fitness and sports nutrition to help people create a version of Health that feels RIGHT to each client. In a few words, I'm a performance health recovery specialist - I help people come back from extremes to find balance and True Health for themselves."But howwww?" you might wonder. Today, I want to tell you all about it, stud.

I created a 4-step system called "The 4 Movements of Health" that guides me through my coaching process.

While it's incredibly individual for every client, I want to give you some ideas of how you can use this process to create the change you want in your life starting today.

Movement 1: Look In

The work I do with clients begins on the inside. We start with where you're at and consider all the things your body and mind are trying to tell you. Much of this Movement is examining your Mental Optics, or the filters through which you view the world and yourself. We also examine your goals and desires in this Movement, paving the way for us to make them real!The best way I've found for people to start Looking In for themselves is to journal. Free writing is a great way to get to know yourself. Click here to read how to do it!

Movement 2: Look Out

Here, we look at your environment (home, work/school and social), supporters, any toxic relationships you have in your life and anything else that immediately surrounds you. Everything and everyone you surround yourself with has an effect on you. In this Movement, we get to know anything that might be out of your control that could serve as an obstacle on the way to the life you want.To Look Out for yourself, start noting all the environments you frequent and the people you see daily. As you jot them down, ask yourself how you typically feel around these places and people.

Movement 3: Look Up

This Movement is where we start gathering all the information from Look In and Look Out to make a plan. Looking Up is determining a direction to go, which in my book means small changes added gradually as the person is willing to take them. Now, that part's really important. Habits based in True Health aren't forced; they're actions taken from a willing place. There's no shaming yourself into change in my house.To do this Movement for yourself, look at everything you wrote down from Look In and Look Out, then determine a course of action that makes sense for your unique life and lifestyle. Gauge your willingness as you make changes; make sure you're not forcing yourself to do something you're not ready to do!

Movement 4: Move

It's action time, baby! This is the Movement where everything comes together and we start moving toward balance and True Health. This - like all the Movements - is highly individualized. There's no right or wrong way to do it!To do it for yourself, all you have to do is DO. A little at a time or a lot at a time - do what feels best for you. And follow the feelings that you want to have more of in your life! Those good vibes are what will lead you to True Health.

A Few Tips Before You Go...

As you go through The 4 Movements of Health, focus on these key elements that I employ with all my people and myself:

  1. Take the shame and judgement out of it, dude. You're not gonna shame your way into positive change.

  2. Be flexible: just because you plan to do it one way doesn't mean it can't be done in another way.

  3. Gentleness is your best pal through the process of change. Things sometimes won't happen as fast as you thought they would. Being gentle with yourself takes the edge off it all.

  4. Remember that aiming for True Health will not feel like aiming for performance health goals. The actions you take and your mindset around them will likely be different. What you used to do won't work here!

I really hope The 4 Movements of Health helps you take strides forward into an individual, balanced version of health for yourself. If you want help, I'm here for you, babe!Hugs and fist bumps,Amy