You Don't Need Me
Here's the truth: you don't need me.I have knowledge. I have experience. I like to think I'm a fun and understanding coach.But you don't need me.You are fully capable of making change happen on your own.You don't need special clothes or gear. You don't need gurus. You don't need the perfect weather. You don't need any extra inspiration.The drive you seek is already in you. No one else can flip that switch. If you want a change, you have to choose it yourself.But you know all this already.We talk about it all the time, and yet...Here we are.Something's holding you back.You have more knowledge than you think you do, yet you're not sure if you can really trust yourself. You've tried other ways of making the change, but you didn't like them or they failed you in some way. Maybe that's why you're hesitant to try anything new.You either haven't decided, or you don't know how to do it on your own.I can't help you if you haven't made the choice to change, unfortunately. The hardest part – the decision to commit to another way of living – is completely up to you. No one else can take that off your hands.If you have decided, however, I can help you.If you've tried other ways of changing your body and the way you feel about it and they haven't worked, I can help you.If you can't afford a trainer, but you want a proven, personalized approach to getting leaner and more toned, I can help you.If you want a supportive, fun environment that will also hold you accountable to your commitments, I can help you.You have everything it takes to be fit and healthy.Is whatever's holding you back worth more than feeling good in your body?You don't need me, no. But if you just haven't found your way yet, I'd really love to show you.
TPM closes tonight, March 9th, at 11:59 PM Pacific Daylight Time.
Our 8-week online body transformation intensive starts next Monday, March 16th.Due to popular demand, we've added 3-month payment plan options!If you've been looking for a sign, maybe this is it. Maybe, just maybe, this is the time you realize you're done waiting. Maybe this is the time you start doing something about the things you can control.I'm here for you with everything you need to make it happen. Let me show you the way.Stay strong,Amy