The Immunity Post: How to Travel for 2 Months & Not Get Sick

immunitypostI did it! I traveled for 2 months straight without getting sick!A little allergy action (Midwest, you're killing me!), but beyond that, I'm up to speed and my energy hasn't faltered that much at all.In fact, I'm hearing this in every city:"How do you have so much energy right now?"...usually in a fascinated, envious tone... like Ursula telling Ariel that she has a beautiful voice.Good news! You don't have to steal my immunity in a proverbial seashell to store around your neck, my half-octopi friends! Ok, too far with the Little Mermaid metaphors...But seriously, there are quite a few habits I owe to my health maintenance, even when all odds were against me, and you can use them in your own life to stave off immuno-compromise (that's trainer-y talk for coming down with something).Here are the keys to my immune system's success:

Refuse to Get Sick

saveI simply refuse to get sick. It's a commitment I've made to myself.I won't give in to it. I won't open myself up to it. If it comes for me, it will have one hell of a fight.Decide to stay healthy, and you will likely have an easier time at it.I know, it's a little woo woo and all, but it helps to have this attitude toward your health. If you choose not to get sick, it can inform every choice that affects your health from here on out become that much easier.Commit to staying healthy.

Superfoods for Superhuman Health

superfoodsI'm always making sure to get my bare minimum of superfoods. Because I put these foods at the top of my priority list, I made sure to keep all my vitamins and minerals in check.Here are a list of my favorite superfoods that make me feel, well, super:

Kale - GAHHHH I love kale! I have a slight obsession with this dark, leafy green. It's my Popeye's spinach... just ignore that spinach is listed directly under this.

It's a nutrition powerhouse, rich in calcium, magnesium, B6, vitamins A, C & K, copper, potassium, iron, manganese, and phosphorus. Not enough for ya? The amount of fiber in this curly leafy can help lower your cholesterol, too.

Spinach - This green pretty much has everything in it. Ready for the laundry list of awesomeness? Here's what you'll get with your saag paneer: vitamin A (especially lutein, which is THE carotenoid responsible for eye health), vitamin C, vitamin E, vitamin K, magnesium, manganese, folate, betaine, iron,vitamin B, calcium, potassium, vitamin B, folic acid, copper, protein, phosphorus, zinc, niacin, selenium and omega-3 fatty acids. Seriously, it's just so good for you.

Eat it raw in salads, or throw it in with just about any dish you're making. It's nutrition benefits are actually maximized when cooked (but not overcooked, mind you- that will leach all the vitamins and nutrients out). Aim for a quick steam or boil, or toss it into a stir fry after the burner's been turned off (the residual heat from the ingredients will wilt it just enough). The only regret you'll have is not throwing in more.

Berries - tons of fiber, a little sweetness, and very low on the glycemic index, berries are my go-to fruit for snacking. Besides the fact that they won't break your sugar bank, they are full of antioxidants, phytochemicals and flavonoids that will help keep your immunity fighting strong... like, anti-cancer strong.

Greek yogurt - This helps me get rid of travel bloat AND increase the good guys in my gut with a probiotic boost. It's also loaded with protein. Trainer win! Stick to the organic ones when possible.

Broccolini - The long, slender cousin of broccoli, broccolini (also known as broccoli rabe) is a little easier on the digestive tract if you find that brocolli... ahem... produces unwelcome gases in your system. Broccolini also tastes better in my opinion, and has an impressive nutritional profile: one serving will get you your recommended daily allowance (RDA) of vitamin C, and will get you a hefty boost of potassium, magnesium, calcium, and vitamin K. The real immune hero in this veggie is the beta-carotene, though, which is also great for your eye health. It's delightful simply sauteed lightly with some extra virgin olive oil, garlic, salt and pepper. Delish!

Bananas - Bloated from a long flight? Yeah, me too... x 30. I can always count on bananas to help get the excess water out of my body thanks to miracle mineral, potassium. Pair some monkey fuel with a few big glasses of water and voila! No more airline cankles. These also serve as my energy bars if I'm left starving before a bootcamp, and they pack in a ton of vitamins (especially C and B6). Bonus: they come in their own compostable wrapper!

Ginger - I'm a bit biased to ginger because when I was little, my Great Grandfather used to give me candied ginger as a treat when I visited his ranch. Though he probably wasn't thinking of all the immune-boosting benefits of ginger, I'm glad he instilled that love for this spicy root in me. In Chinese culture, ginger is a super-sickness-fighter. Every time I start to get the sniffles, my Mom tells me to go grab a hunk of ginger and add it to some tea. It's an acquired taste that's worth some work acquiring.

It was especially helpful on this tour because–in addition to being an immuno-superstar–ginger is an anti-inflammatory. In other words, those sore muscles from all those bootcamps recovered faster due to the compounds found in ginger. It's also great for calming nausea from long airline flights or train rides!

Garlic and Onions - Bad breath? Who cares if you're gonna live forever?! Garlic is full of polyphenols and bioflavinoids which makes this guy a "head" honcho in detoxification. Studies found that a small daily dose of garlic and onions helped boost enzymes that remove toxins in the blood cells of healthy women. They're also big time in the cancer/heart disease prevention field... not to mention you're taking care of the vampire threat while on the road, too. Nyuk nyuk nyuk

Extra Credit:

Need a quick does of immune-fighting veggies and fruits? Head to your nearest hippie grocery store and grab a green juice. Make sure it has MOSTLY greens in it and is juiced fresh or at least on-site. My favorite blend is kale, lemon, ginger and apple. If you have a juicer, the loverly Farnoosh Brock just released a book all about the benefits of juicing. (non-affiliate link - she's just awesome)

Hey girl... I work out

heygirlEven if your main goal for exercising is to look as good as Ryan Gosling without a shirt, you'll enjoy this added benefit: working out regularly boosts your immune system, making it easier to fend off germies when they come for you.Even on tour, I make sure to work out at least 4x/week.It's important to recognize that you can go too far with this tactic, making you more of a poor, unfortunate soul than a big, strong King Triton (last Little Mermaid reference, I promise!). If you veer into overtraining, you can compromise your immunity instead of strengthen it.If you're finding that your body isn't getting a chance to fully recover between workouts, or that you're constantly tired and weak, cut a day out of your regimen, or maybe replace it with a good ol' yoga class or even a walk. Yeah, I said it. Chill out! It's not a more-is-better scenario here! It's a balance-is-better scenario.

Night Night Is Non-Negotiable

sleepyI sleep at least 7 hours a night (that's my magic number, though it differs for everyone). This is non-negotiable. Only once along my tour route did I put my sleep in jeapordy and that was because I just couldn't pass up to do 2 Minneapolis bootcamps... both at 6 am on consecutive days... with a Movement Meetup on the night of the first.I couldn't say no to my girl, Lisa Van Ahn, who offered up the 2nd Minneapolis bootcamp. Your power of persuasion is strong, my friend!When you don't get enough sleep, your body doesn't have time to recover from its everyday routine, let alone if you're active and challenging yourself in your workouts. I can't stress how important a decent amount of sleep is. Without it, your cortisol producers will go on overdrive, kicking the stress hormone up in your system, which can cause all kinds of funkiness you don't want (weight gain, sickness, more stress, etc).Can't manage the 7-8 hours at night? Take a 20-30 minute nap in the daytime to fill in the gaps. It can help you keep your immunity revving AND increase focus for the rest of the day.Give your body a break and make sure to get enough shut eye.

No Playing with Fire

matchesI don't do recreational drugs ever anymore. Not ever. I'm high on life... and sooo nerdy.I haven't had one drink on this whole tour either, simply because I know it makes me feel like crap the next day. I need to perform at my best and I know that having a hangover and taking substances that alter my state of being diminish my well-built immune system.When I weigh the pros (sure, it's a little fun to get tipsy and it might make social situations less awkward) with the cons (headache, nausea, weakness, lethargy, and a gateway to sickness), the scale tips largely in the favor on NOT drinking.Picking and choosing my battles here, guys.

And A Little Magic...

magicWhen sickness threatens, I nip the symptoms in the bud.I am VERY careful about what I recommend supplement-wise (when was the last time you read me recommend a supplement?), so know that this really works for me:If I start feeling yucky, I reach for Source Naturals Wellness Formula (non-affiliate link). I swear by this stuff. Ask my training clients. All of them swear by it now, too.You take 6 of these all-natural, extremely nasty-smelling-and-tasting pills full of immune-boosting herbs as soon as you start feeling off, and I swear, it works wonders for me. It's loaded with ginger, garlic, echinacea and a ton of other herbs and vitamins that do just the thing to nix the threat of sickness before it turns full-blown nasty.Now, please note that I am not a medical health professional. These simply work for me and I want you to stay healthy, but I can't go ask you to take them without seeing a real doctor first to make sure you're clear to take them. These herbs aren't for everyone; make sure they won't interact with any current conditions or medications.****I'm finally driving back to LA for the event on Saturday and the OC event next Saturday, and I even though I'm happy to be bringing the movement home, but it sure ain't gonna stay there.Coming up in the next couple of weeks, I'll have an exciting opportunity that has been years in the making. I'm so excited to share it (literally) with you guys. Also, I'll be revealing the 30th city of The 30x30 Project Tour. Stay tuned!For all you Angelenos, I certainly hope to see you at the event on Saturday! You can read more about it here, and see all the details for the OC event here.Here's to health, home and of course, HOPE...With hope and fire,Amypic credits: refuser, kale, sleepy head, matches, magic