Progress Your Bodyweight Workout! (w/Special Guest Vic Magary)


Ever wonder how to progress your bodyweight workout without adding equipment?Well, today, my good sir, we are going to show you exactly how to do that.My buddy, Vic Magary, is in the house! While I was in Columbus, Ohio, Vic and I teamed up to show you the full gamut of 3 common strength moves, and how you can progress from novice to pro.Why, you ask, should I worry about progression? I like my same old workout.Whether you're exercising for physical health, stress relief or just because you like it, you're bound to visit one of these exercises in most strength-based workouts.If you are consistent with your workout regimen, the moves you learn as a beginner will become too easy for you. Your body will become accustomed to the work you're doing and will adapt, which makes further change nearly impossible if you continue the same program.Progressing your movements will keep your body guessing, and offer new ways to push your body and continue to get results, or simply engage more muscle groups. The more progressed each of these movements get, the more muscle groups will be firing during the exercise.No matter if you're starting, or have been training for years, we've got something challenging for your level right here in these videos. Check 'em out!

Push Ups

Pull Ups

(sorry about the sound! notes below the youtube video)


Now, how do you put all those together for a full body workout? Here are some examples of strength circuits for every level:


2 sets, resting 30 seconds between each move

  • decelerating push ups from knees - 10 reps
  • bench squats - 10 reps
  • Decelerating pullups - 8 reps (use something stable like a bench or chair if you're having a tough time jumping to the top)


3 sets in circuit style (back-to-back, only resting 30-60 seconds at the end of each 3-move circuit)

  • full push ups (or from knees) - 12 reps
  • ass-to-grass squats - 12 reps
  • Chin ups - 12 reps


4 sets in circuit style back-to-back with no more than 60 seconds rest between each circuit

  • pistol squats - 8 reps each side
  • dive bomber push ups - 8 reps
  • L-sit pullup - 8 reps
  • 100-meter sprint (like a bear's chasing you!)

Make sure to check out all the amazing work Vic is doing for the online fitness world over at He's got some awesome freebies and tutorials that you won't want to miss if you're a strength junkie like me!

Got any questions? Leave them in the comments below!

Vic and I will be happy to address any concerns you may have.I hope these simple (but not easy) exercises help you get stronger inside and out today. Let me know how your pistol squats go!30x30 is hitting the East Coast! Toronto tonight, Dedham on Friday, Rye on Saturday, West Hartford on Sunday (with a location change I might add), and NYC on Monday! Click here to see the map for all the details. Looking forward to sharing this movement with you all in person!With hope and fire,Amy