Move: Energize Yourself Toward Change This Summer!

Can you feel it?

The sun's waking up earlier and hittin' the horizon later.Everyone's smiling less hesitantly, as if they've been holding their breath the whole winter and just realized it now.The heavy jackets are starting to move to the back of the closet, and brighter, softer, skimpier pieces are finding their way out of hiding.People are outside. Walking. Running. Moving.I bet you think I'm going to make this a fitness post......well, it could be construed that way, but this one can be applied to more than just exercise.

The end of spring, and those beginning days of summer bring with them the energizing force of positive change.

We start feeling motivated, optimistic, and exhilarated by the extra daylight.So how are you going to take advantage of this one chance you get?You will never again get this new beginning of summer of 2012 at whatever age you are.  If it passes you by, it will be gone forever.How old are you now?  You will never be this young again.How are you feeling today?  What can you DO to feel better than you do?  What actions can you take today to get you in a better place, emotionally, physically, or career-wise?What do you feel passionate about?  How can you include more of that feeling in your everyday life starting today?Use that power from the sun, that energizing, invigorating light to fuel your actions.  Start today.Wait a sec there, Amy.  This sounds awesome, but I have no idea what actions to take!Ok, blog post.  I hear you.  How about this:

Do SOMEthing.


Make a call.

Write a page.

Run for 10 minutes.

Tell her you think she's cute.

Stick up for yourself.

Sign up for that class.

Reach out to that person.

Start thinking differently.

Thank someone.

Take a risk.

Be ok with not being "right."

Show them what you're made of.

Be unconventional.


Let it go. You know what I'm talking about.

Whatever that action is that will get you closer to where you want to be, take it.Don't get paralyzed by all the possibilities: Take ONE of them.That's all you need to do.  Take one action today.  Then take one tomorrow.Just don't stop moving....unless you're stopping to take in the sun on your face, smell the pretty flowers, or just to be thankful for life.You can feel this moment.

You can change your life in this moment.

...if you choose to.More on this in my upcoming book release!  Exciting stuff, this changing-your-life thing. ;)To kickstart your start-of-summer-action-taking, let me tell you what I'll be working on for the next couple months:

•Releasing the new book at the end of this month! Make sure to get on the list for subscriber-only deals!

•Starting a new Long & Lean bodyweight strength/pilates hybrid bootcamp in June! (more on this to come for those of you in LA!)

•Working on my arm balances in yoga- I've got some good stuff for you coming up about the benefits of strength training for yogis!

•World Domination Summit in Portland, OR in July! Woot woot!

Okay, your turn!

What are you doing to take advantage of this time of year?  How are you going to make this summer of 2012 the best summer yet?! I want to hear about it in the comments!

There are no wrong answers, and if you have any questions that I can help with, post those too!  I'm here to help however I can, so don't be shy!If you liked this post, check out Love Where You're At and How to Enjoy Life... because apparently it's not that simple.I'd love to connect with you on Facebook, Twitter and Pinterest!  Can't wait to like-tweet-pin with you!