Lead Without Followers: An Interview With Dave Ursillo

Howdy y'all!

I'm so excited to announce my first video blog post!  And I'm even MORE excited to announce that it's an interview with one of my favorite bloggers, Dave Ursillo!I started following Dave Ursillo after his blog post, Depression & Me, in which he describes his experience with depression and how he overcame it by empowering himself to "take charge," ask for help from his doctor, and quit the job that was making him miserable.I emailed Dave using the contact form on his site, telling him how much I admired his courage in speaking out about his depression, and how much I believed in the message of his site (DaveUrsillo.com).  To my surprise, he wrote back shortly thereafter, and we've been in contact ever since!When Dave first told me he was writing a book, my first reaction was "Duh," and the second was "Gimme!"I scored a "bare-bones" copy and devoured it within 2 days!  The message of the book is one that I am completely in alignment with, and that echoes all the posts to date on this blog.It is such a pleasure to have Dave here to share his thoughts on the book and answer some of my questions.  I don't have to be the one to convince you to buy the book- let's let Dave do it himself!

Here goes...

The article Dave mentioned (Depression's Upside) can be found here.If what I write interests you, then you will enjoy this book. It is interesting, inspiring, motivating, and best of all, empowering.If you're interested in the book, take a closer look at it here.Here's the link to Dave's site if you want to contact him directly.  He's also on twitter (@DaveUrsillo) and on facebook if you want to say hi in 3 different ways!  ...I'm sure he'd LOVE that. ;)Do you have any questions for Dave or me?  Leave them in the comments below!