The Raucous Weekend: June 22-24 with Amy!

GUYS. The day has finally come for my big announcement!

Introducing The Raucous Weekend!!!June 22-24, 2018 in San Diego

This is the event I've been dreaming of ever since SIO has shifted into this new space of performance health recovery. A Movement is starting and I want you in it with me - like, physically!

Here's the reality: things in the Health industry need to change.

Performance health and the media tell us how “not enough” we are because we’re not skinny/hot/fast/strong enough, and we take their word for it. We’ve let them tell us that we are lacking because we don’t have what they’re selling us.FUCK that. Not anymore.

The Raucous Weekend will be an all-out FUN-fest to kick off The Health Revolution that's all about YOU.

Click here for more info

Because Health isn't a cookie-cutter metric of calories or weight; it's different for every person. And I want to help you define what that is for you and you alone.And let me be clear: this ain't no cry-your-eyes-out-all-day retreat; this is a RISE UP, reclamation of your power! This is where you dissolve the shit that's holding you down in an energetically-charged, uplifting, intimate atmosphere.Want the juicy deets? Here's everything The Raucous Weekend includes:

  • 3 days (well, 2 1/2) from Friday, June 22nd to Sunday, June 24th, 2018 in sunny San Diego, California.

  • 12 attendees MAX. I'm keeping it small so I can give as much personal attention as possible.

  • Movement and Workshops led by me! Think less "teacher and students" and more "pow-wow, let's just work this shit out TOGETHER."

  • One yummy, healthy dinner together as a group (my treat).

  • Light, nutritious breakfasts Saturday and Sunday.

  • Facebook Group for bonding, preparation and excitement sharing (beginning April, 2018)

  • 2 Video Group Coaching Calls (one in April, one in May)

  • Goodies. Oh, the goodies!

Are you ready to shake off the shit you do to conform to the performance health lie? Join us to start your personal Health revolution OR to get clear on how you can help others start theirs!'Cause here's the thing: this event isn't just for people who want a personal Health revolution.

The Raucous Weekend is also for the trainers, coaches, teachers and healers who want to bring balance back to the Health world.

It's for the people who see that there's something wrong, and want to be among the first to set it RIGHT.

I know first-hand that this Movement we're starting is a lifesaver - an awakening - and I believe people are *looking* for that. If that's what you're looking for - or you want to bring it to others - I'm the loudest alarm clock there is, baby. If, you know, alarm clocks could give Care Bear hugs.

Click here for more info

I'm here if you have any questions or concerns. Just email me!Let's cause a raucous, baby,Amy