Never Will I Ever
I want you to go back to your past for a second. Do you remember yourself ever saying, "I'd never [insert anything negative here]!"Here are some examples:
I'd never end up in an abusive (mental or physical) relationship! I'm too strong, and I'd be able to leave if someone treated me that badly, no matter how much I loved him.
I'd never gain X pounds! I will always have the awareness to stop myself before I get to heavy.
I'd never take abuse or condescension from a boss! I will always stick up for myself, even if it means losing my job.
Now come back to the present.How many of those things have you turned around and done, despite your conviction that you never would?I'm not trying to get you to feel badly about yourself. In fact, I've fallen victim to all three examples above.The point I'm trying to get to here is that you really don't know yourself completely, and you definitely don't know yourself in the future.Things change. People change.There are other factors that go into decision making that you may not have weighed at the time that you considered that situation off limits.Nothing is off limits.Nothing is an impossibility.…but do you see how unbelievably amazing this concept is?The notion that you truly believed in that moment that you would never do that one thing that put you off so much can be reversed.Let's look at it with a positive swing… 'cause that's what we do here on Strong Inside Out.Have you ever looked at a lofty aspiration and said to yourself, "I'll never get there. That's just a pipe dream," then just let it go before even trying?Now go back to that time that you fell into the grasps of those negative situations. If you said then that you would never find yourself in those situations, how do you know that you will never find yourself in these positive situations?This is the beautiful part: you don't.You have NO idea what other factors are out there in the world, conspiring to make your dreams come true. Just as those factors aided you to achieve negative results, people you don't know yet, events that haven't happened yet, and other unseen variables will affect you on your road to achieving your "pipe dreams."Let go of your preconceived notions of "where you should be by now," "how you should act because other people tell you that's how it's done," and "it hasn't happened by now, so it never will."
You have no idea what lies ahead for you.
Revel in that, and allow those good things to come to you.Defeating yourself before even trying to accomplish your ambitions is a great way to fight the forces that conspire in your favor. Give them a hand instead by at least acknowledging and attempting to accomplish the things you're wishing for.There is always a way if you want it badly enough.But you have to make that intention clear. You have to put the effort in. You can't defeat yourself before you even start. You have to be open to it.You have to believe it's possible. You have to KNOW that it is.Here are some posts that can help you on your way to achieving your "wildest" dreams:
Sucker Punch Your Fears And Start Living
Here's to breaking your own rules...