Lean In to Let Go

When it seems like there's always something new to fear, lean in to let go.

Because when we're able to accept that there always will be something new to fear no matter what we do, we simplify the choice: Either let the fear eat you alive, or accept that another thing to fear is coming eventually AND that you'll handle it when it comes (because you will).

This sounds super doomsday, doesn't it? But actually, it's pretty dang freeing. You know the quote, "The only thing we have to fear is fear itself"? It's got a lot of wisdom behind it.

Fear is what separates us from the moment, which means that fear separates us from our lives as we live them.

All this time you're spending in fear is time you're not spending being here. Fear is spent on a reality that's not real.

As someone with anxiety and OCD, I know firsthand that it's not as easy as "stop having fear." That's not the point of this email. These truths I've written here today serve as anchors to the real here and now when I find myself in a fear state. They help remind me of what's real...and the possibilities we fear ain't it.

I've always handled everything that's ever come my way. So have you.

Every single thing you've ever been through, you've gotten through. No matter how messy the "getting through" was, you survived it.

There will always be something new to fear, and you know what else? There will always be something new to love, to be proud of yourself for, to learn, to share, to receive, to laugh about and to grow through. The unknown ahead of us will reveal itself, but until that then becomes your now, lean in to let go, babe. Don't let it steal your very real life from you.

To what's real,


Photo by Sasha Freemind on Unsplash

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