How to Reframe Your Mindset with Your Workouts [VIDEO]

How to Reframe Your Mindset with Your Workouts [VIDEO]

Note from Amy 5-30-18: The Strong Inside Out Bootcamp has closed its doors for good, but you can check out all our active offerings here!

It’s been just a few days since we opened The Strong Inside Out Bootcamp for enrollment, and we are so psyched to welcome many new Bootcampers to the program! The Bootcamp promises to be a transformational and bonding experience, and we can’t wait to get started.

I want to write to you today in case you have some hesitations about signing up for The Bootcamp. I totally get that it takes some deliberation before making a life-changing decision. It’s a big step — it might even be the hardest one you’ll ever take.

To make it a little easier, I created something that might help...

People ask me all the time how they’re supposed to start reframing their mindset using their workouts. And to that I say that “supposed to” is one of my least favorite pairings of words ever. No one else’s experience will be like yours, so comparing yours to theirs and is a downright waste of energy. Plus, everyone’s brain is different, so everyone’s process will be a little different!

That said, there are a few steps that help nearly everyone to achieve a more blissed-out mindset through their workouts, and it can be tailored to whatever result you want to achieve. In fact, this is of utmost importance to The Bootcamp coaches and me: helping people gently shift their mindsets through movement and mindfulness.

To give you a taste of what to expect from The Bootcamp, and also to make the process as easy to follow as possible, I created this video as a gift for you.

I hope you enjoy this video and find it helpful! Here's How to Reframe Your Mindset with Your Workouts...

Click here to watch it on YouTube

If this video resonated with you, we think you’re really going to dig what we have to offer. It's a completely unique source of support and guidance for people who are done being stuck.

Let me know if you have any questions by tweeting me, or leaving them in the comments below!

Stay strong,
