Have A Sane Holiday Vacation

That's right, people.  I think you should actually take these government-issued holidays to sit back and enjoy the time with your family, friends and loved ones.It IS possible to enjoy your holiday vacation!Last year, I went home and came back feeling guilty because I was such a freaking stress case.  I could tell my family was walking on egg shells around me because I would snap at anyone without warning.  I was on the edge of tears at all times because my anxiety level was so high.  I wasn't able to connect to anyone because I was so tired.So rather than repeating last year's haze of frenzy, I am choosing to learn from my mistakes and share them with you all so that you can hopefully learn from them as well.Here's how NOT to be the drama queen family member this year:

Get some sleep, even if it means staying at a hotel

Sleep should be your number one priority at this time of year.You need adequate rest to be of any use to anyone including yourself.If you usually sleep on the couch at your parents' house (like I was doing, but am not this year), ask yourself what's more valuable: giving your family your best self by getting enough rest, or saving some dough and "pushing through" another holiday vacation.  Wouldn't you rather enjoy your family by being present with them?  How much is that worth to you?If you're trying to save money, consider asking other family members or friends for their guest room.  If that's not an option, think about splurging on one night in a hotel instead of all of them.  That's what I'll be doing this year.

Focus on enjoying the people around you

The holidays are hectic.  This is a given.  Knowing this, focus focus focus on the positives of everything around you.Feel the crispness of the air.Delight in the smiles of your family.Find comfort in the warmth of a family member's hug.If there are any toddlers in your family, watch how much more they enjoy the wrapping than the actual gift itself.

Get out

Take a break from the family, the cooking, the shopping, the drinking, the candy, the expectations, the EVERYTHING, and get out!Go for a walk.  Go for a run.  Go for a drive.Take some time to just be by yourself for half an hour.  This time can serve as decompression from the craziness that the holidays bring.When you come back, you'll feel renewed and much more capable to face the madness without getting swallowed by it.

Let it be un-perfect

Let go.  You've done all your shopping.  You can't control how EVERYTHING's going to turn out.Let your pie be burnt.The family will bicker, let it be what it is.  Go in the other room until it's overIf you don't get the reaction you want from someone after they open the present you thought would be perfect for them, lie back and enjoy their company, knowing that there's a gift receipt in the box.Remember, perfect is boring. Be exciting this year!  Just don't get too wrapped up in the outcome.*****When you return home from visiting the family, you don't want to look back and regret being distracted and harried the whole time.  You want to remember how close you felt to everyone.  How much fun everyone had together.Make this holiday vacation the one you've always wished for.What do you usually struggle with when you go back to visit the family during the holidays?  If you have any specific issues that I can help you address, leave them in the comments below and I'll help the best I can!