VD Coaching Package

Welcome to your very own special page to subscribe to your coaching package. As a reminder, here’s what’s included:

  • Two 45-minute video calls/month

  • 2 email accountability check-ins per week (2 responses from Amy)

  • Action Plan emailed to you after each call so you know exactly what to do and how often

  • Text access Monday-Friday (one response from Amy on non-check in days)

  • Personalized Homework + Tools


  • $3,000 for 3 months (20% off with code buhbye21 if used by 1/7/22)

  • After your first payment, payments will go through automatically every 3 months at the rate of $3,000 per 3 months until you give me notice to cancel. Please cancel at least 5 business days before the date of your next charge (ideally 2-4 weeks so we can properly close our coaching).

Give the Coaching Terms & Conditions a read, too. By signing up for coaching with me, you agree to all terms and conditions within it.

If this looks good to you, hit the Sign Up button below to enroll!