Best Posts of 2016

Best Posts of 2016

2016 hit everyone pretty hard. It was an emotional and trying year. We lost a lot of respected, talented people. Fear started pushing people into hate and anger...We step into 2017 a bit hesitant, but determined to make this year more loving, empowering and all-around different from the last.I am an evolved version of myself 1 year ago. I am better at setting loving boundaries, listening to my body and I can honestly say that I'm finally realizing that I don't have to change my appearance to be worthy. My TRUST is stronger, and so my POWER blazes strong.Through my growth this year, I shared much of what was helping me to transform. Today, I'm going to share with you SIO's most popular posts and a few more of my favorites that deserve mentioning.

Most Popular Posts of 2016

#5: MOVE Through Overwhelm: When You Can’t Handle It, Start Here

MOVE through OverwhelmOoh, this is probably my favorite video I've ever made (outside of Cyberobics of course). I hear from so many people that working out even for 10 minutes is too daunting when you're overwhelmed. That's why I made this short, gentle movement session that you can do right there at your desk without exerting too much energy. Use it any time your body's craving movement, but you're stuck in a place of fear.

#4: Journaling Techniques for Healing

Journaling Techniques for HealingI refer to this article at least once a week. It's the most informative post I wrote all of 2017! These journaling techniques are go-to's for me in my healing routine. No matter what you're facing (depression, anxiety, stress, etc.), one of these techniques will help you work through it. Plus, I developed a FREE pdf version to take with you anywhere on your phone or tablet! Grab it here.

#3: Set Yourself Free: What Emotions Mean (& Don’t)

Set Yourself Free: What Emotions Mean (& Don't)I used to tell myself stories about who I was based on how emotional I was. After a talk with my mentor, I was able to realize that me emotions do not determine who I am. They happen to me, but they are not me. Read this one.

#2: 5 Truths Only Depressives Understand & How to Fight Back

5 Truths Only Depressives UnderstandWhen we're depressed, it's easy to convince ourselves that no one else understands. I wrote this post so that when you hit that place, you'll know at least one person does. I also offer how to start talking back to the darkness and stand up for who you really are: Love, strength, worthiness. This is a must-read for depressives and their loved ones.

#1: I Couldn’t Work Out for 2 Months: Here’s What Happened

I'm so humbled that this was the most popular post of 2016! Thank you for your support and vibes sent my way. They helped and I'm all healed, but I went through a pretty rough patch at the beginning of last year. As someone who uses movement as medication, cutting it entirely was a shocking experience. Read it to learn the raw, gritty details of how being sedentary affected my mind and body, and how I finally got the courage to do something about it.

My Favorite/Scariest/Most Inspired Posts of 2016

I think you guys pretty much nailed the juicy stuff with the posts you made most popular, but here are a few others that I was really proud of. The posts below reflect revelations, coming out's-of-sorts or posts I was afraid to write for fear of judgment. They're in order of date published because trying to sort them into most to least favorite ain't happenin' for me (Apples and oranges, Loves), but I did give them a title for why I chose them.

Most Transformative: We are people of extremes

We are people of extremesI wrote this post after having a revelation in my therapy group. I knew I was a perfectionist, but I had no idea to what extent, and how much it affected every area of my life. By working the process of finding the middle ground, I've been able to increase my self esteem and truly love myself more. Give it a read if you tend to get overwhelmed easily, feel constantly disappointed in yourself, or lack love and trust in yourself.

Most Courageous & Freeing: The Fitness Star Who Doesn’t Diet: Stepping Into My Truth

The Fitness Star Who Doesnt DietThis post was the first time I ever came out about refusing to diet for shoots. It was a massive perspective shift for me to embrace my body as it is without punishing it into an unnatural shape. Living it and saying it out loud felt like f**king freedom, and I hope it helps you accept whatever body you've been blessed with, no matter what. Read the whole scary, life-affirming process.

Most "Pinch Me" Moment: Love Just Gets Louder: My Talk for TWLOHA & How I Process Fear

Love Just Gets LouderTalking for To Write Love On Her Arms for their Supporters Conference was a dream come true for me! After fundraising thousands of dollars for them over the past few years, I finally got the chance to share my story with others who want to spread the message of hope. I was terribly nervous and there were technical malfunctions, but my recovery saw me through. Read the full article to learn more about how I walked through the fear both during and afterwards.

Most "I Wish I Knew This Sooner": Willful Vs Willing

Willful Vs WillingThis article expresses another paradigm shift I've had over the last couple of years. I used to push and force everything in my life. It's how I thought I had to "make things happen." I didn't realize that by pushing and forcing my way to whatever I wanted, I was actually working against the flow of my path. Read it to learn why surrendering control could be the most powerful step you ever take.

Scariest to Post: An open letter to those in fear after the election

An open letter to those in fearI was afraid to post this letter because I didn't want to offend anyone who was happy with the outcome of the election. The desire to help those who felt alone outweighed my fear to people please, however, and so I wrote this. Whether you're for or against Trump, I hope you'll join me in embracing Love and acceptance for all. I hope you'll read it with an open mind.

Most Life-Changing for Empaths: How to Protect Yourself from Negative Energy

How to Protect Yourself from Negative EnergyOne of my final posts of 2017 includes a process I've been using to protect myself as an empath and it is life-changing. I used to take on everybody's sh**. I'd tell clients: "We can't control anyone else but ourselves"... then I'd go ahead and blame everyone else for making me feel a certain way. It made NO sense. So I decided to start using the tools I was learning in my spiritual practice to separate my energy from others'. I stopped taking responsibility for how everyone around me felt and started just worrying about me. Want to learn how to do it? Read up, babe!

And so we move forward

Two feet in 2017. Now, we get to choose our experience. We are either activating our intention, or we are having it chosen for us.As we turn our backs on 2016, consider first what experience you're choosing:

  • What will you devote energy to?
  • Can you embrace when fear leads you to resist?
  • Can you open when you default to closed?
  • What will you do differently to be who you want to be starting right now?

May these questions guide your choices... and may you remember: there's always a choice.Stay strong,Amy

Activate Your Vision: Super-Charge Your Resolutions

Activate Your Vision WorkshopIf you want to super-charge 2017 with intention and fire, I invite you to join Kate Marolt and me in our Activate Your Vision online workshop.

Kate and I will walk you through every step of setting Love-based, power-charged intentions for 2017.

Here's what we'll help you do in our 3-hour online workshop:

  • Take a thorough inventory from last year to determine what you want to give more power to, and what you wish to release.
  • Let go of what you don't want to carry into 2017 through a guided Energetic Releasing Ritual.
  • Get in touch with your inner voice and be led to your intention for the next year in a guided Connection Meditation.
  • Create a heart-centered action list for the year ahead and learn how to determine if they're Love-based or Fear-based.
  • Learn Grounding and Opening Rituals to return to your intention anytime.
  • Get all your questions answered by Kate and me with plenty of time for Q&A.

In addition to the 3 hours you get with us LIVE, you'll also receive:

  • The Activate Your Vision Workbook pdf to guide you through the experience and root you back into your intention afterwards.
  • A recording of the workshop so that you can repeat the rituals and meditations anytime you wish.

Activate Your Vision Online WorkshopSaturday, January 14th, 20179:00 AM - 12:00 PM Pacific Time

If you're ready to stop making flighty, disconnected resolutions and instead make 2017 the most powerful year yet, let us help you release the shame and embrace your truth. It would honestly be such an honor to guide you for the very first time into creating a Fear-free strategy and finally realize your potential in 2017. I'm so looking forward to serving you.

The Activate Your Vision Workshop has closed, but if you're looking for a life-changing event with yours truly, check out Activate Courage. Click here!