Why I Want to Kill The Superiority Complex: The Humility Challenge

I've always been urked by a particular phenomenon that happens when someone starts getting "cool."There's this pervasive notion that, once someone reaches a "superior status,"–whether that be in popularity, wealth, or power–that person gains the right to treat those who are on a "lower level" as less-thans.I've experienced this superiority complex many times. I'm sure you have, too.Have you ever gone up to someone you look up to, aiming to gain some wisdom from their journey or express gratitude for their inspiration, only to be treated as a pest?It's one of the worst feelings in the world when you feel like your presence is a burden on someone you admire. One of my (many) goals in life is to never make anyone feel like that.Now, I kinda lucked out being in the blogging world; it's rare that I meet someone who isn't welcoming and helpful. But it still happens.I'm not saying, "Don't aim to be more popular, wealthier or more powerful." In fact, I say, "Strive to be the best you you can be always."

What I am saying is, "As you do better for yourself (as I hope you do), don't be a dick about it."

There is never a point at which someone is higher or lower than you. You are an equal to everyone else on this earth. No one deserves to be treated as if they are less than another human being.I'd like to take that goal of never treating anyone like a less-than one step further and ask you all to help me out a little to achieve it...In your life, you are bound to have "subordinates," employees, or people who are younger or less experienced than you whom you may be guilty of treating like a less-than.No judgment here; we've all done it. It's a natural human inclination. Civilization, however, depends on us to rise above some of our primitive instincts in order to create peace and harmony in our world.In other words, let's act like grown ups. Who's with me?This week's humanity challenge is in fact a HUMILITY challenge:

FOR 1 WEEK: When you feel the urge to write someone off, talk down to them, or otherwise treat them as a less-than, stop yourself, then open your heart.

  • Truly listen to them.
  • Be humble and recognize that their being is just as worthy as your own.
  • Be kind.

Try it out this week, at least. See how it feels. I bet you'll feel so much better for having spread the love that you'll keep it up even after the week is through!So who's going to stop the arrogant nonsense with me?

Commit to The Humility Challenge for 1 week by commenting below with "I'm in."

You have the power to make a stand against the superior attitude that's no doubt made you feel like crap in the past. Why not stop it with you? Make sure that you never make anyone feel like that again.Epic change starts with one person. Let that be you.Stay strong,Amy