Content or Complacent? The Fine Line Between "I'm Fine" & "I'm Amazing!"

If you've read my ebook, you know that anti-complacency is probably a proper adjective to describe me.Complacency silences dreams, smothers passion, and just plain keeps you from living the full, beautiful life you deserve to live.I've been in a complacent job. I've been in a complacent relationship. It's torturous slaving away at something you pretend to care about just because you're too scared to venture out and try.Now don't get me wrong here: I know quite a few people that like their easy job and structure and you know what I say? Good for you! If you are happy in your life and do not want to change it, you are not complacent; you are content. I'm speaking to the people who are sitting around, not caring that their lives are wasting away from under them while they know there is more they want to achieve.If this is you, please keep reading.

To not care about your life is a great mistake.

Your life is so important to us. Your fight, your triumphs, your trials and tribulations all uniquely affect our world and everyone you come into contact with.If you're floating through life, in a haze of slight discomfort and deep-seated yearning, you owe yourself a chance.So how do you tell if you're content or complacent? You probably already know deep down inside, but in case you're not sure, I've devised a little test for just that:1. When you think of your job, you feel:

A) At peace, happy and fulfilled

B) Unhappy or miserable

C) Numb

2. When you think of your relationship, you feel:

A) At peace, happy and fulfilled

B) Unhappy or miserable

C) Numb

3. When you think of your life in total, you feel:

A) At peace, happy and fulfilled

B) Unhappy or miserable

C) Numb

I know, not a really deep test, huh? That's because I don't think you have to go very deep to find out if you're complacent or not.If you answered A to any of those questions, you should be just fine. You're most likely content, and should sit pretty where you are unless you know you want more.If you answered B or C to any of those questions, you need to stand back and take a deeper look at your life. What exactly makes you unhappy, miserable or numb? Is there something you're refusing to face about your situation? Is there something more that you want from your life?Please, before you start thinking that all is lost, stop. This is a wonderful thing that you're realizing this now.There are a couple of things you can do now if you've just realized that you want more from your life.

1. If it's a necessary job/relationship/life choice, come to peace with it

Not all situations are easily mendable. Maybe you need this paycheck to pay off medical bills or student loans. Maybe you need to stay in this relationship for your children.But let me ask you something before we come to that conclusion:Is there any other way (even if it requires a lot more work on your part) to pay those bills/support those children that would create more happiness in your life? Would the work required be worth the payoff?If you answered "no" to the above questions, come to terms with the fact that this is just the way it needs to be. Once you accept that circumstance, you'd be amazed at the way your mind can shift from focusing on the negative to allowing yourself to see the positive.

2. If you answered "yes" to the questions above, it's time to take action.

Hard work can be quite scary. I'll be the first to admit that.But if you keep your focus on the payoff, you'll get through it, and come out stronger, whether you win or lose.Identify exactly what you want from your life, and brainstorm how to get it.Then, do it.That's it.No complicated sequences, particulars or justifications of why you can't. Because you can.About 99% of the people who have come to me asking for advice about how they can take these steps to get to their ideal life, actually know what they need to do. Many times, we just want someone to tell them that we can, we want to be able to hear it from outside ourselves, or we want to be able to blame someone else if we fail.Well, let me tell you right now that for those of you who know what you need to do, you can do this. If you want it, and you're driven to get it, stay focused, and you'll get as close as you possibly can.That last part is what scares people off: "you'll get as close as you possibly can."Because unfortunately, we just can't control every part of the universe to collaborate and provide us with our ideal life. All we can do is do our best and hope that it's enough.People say that when you do your best, the universe conspires to help you achieve it. Whether you're into the law of attraction or not, you have to admit that driven people are more likely to accomplish what they want than people who don't ever try at all.An excellent example of this lies in the team from the movie, "I'm Fine, Thanks," which is (not at all coincidentally ;)) a movie about Grant Peelle's decision to take a big risk and leave his complacent job behind to set an example for his 2 little boys.I was inspired to write this post after hearing from my buddy, Adam Baker, that they were finally releasing the DVD for sale. Mine's been on pre-order for a while, but if you haven't bought your copy yet, I highly recommend it. It's a great inspiration for living a life of fulfillment and courage (not to mention that you might get a glimpse of little ol' me in there ;)).

To get your copy, click here to go to the "I'm Fine, Thanks" site. (non-affiliate link)

I was so honored to be a small part of this project, and I truly believe in the message that they're striving to get out there. Even if you don't pick up the DVD or download, it's worth taking a look-see.Like Grant, I don't want you to settle for "fine," which in other words means slightly miserable, witholding your unique voice from the world, and stifling your endless yearning for more. I want you to be "EFFING AMAZING!" feeling every part of your life; ups, downs and everywhere in between!If you're content, awesome. Kudos to you. Seriously. I am honestly so so so happy for you!If you're not, however, I hope that you realize that you have the opportunity right now to change your future. You can choose to stop wasting your passions and start living fully in this moment. Are you going to take it, or are you going to sit back and watch it pass you by?Me? I'm grabbing mine by the horns and doing the best I can and hoping like hell it's enough.Are you?

In the comments below, tell me if you're taking a stand against complacency, and the exact action you plan to take today to do it. If you're content, tell me that, too!

Looking forward to hearing from you, my strong friends. Till then, stay strong, guys.-Amy