The Principles of Katniss and How They Can Make You a Better Person

Obviously, I just got done with The Hunger Games trilogy.  All three books.  In less than a week.I was fascinated by the main character, Katniss Everdeen, who fights to stay true to herself, even if it puts her in further danger.  Her self is the only thing she truly has so she holds onto it for dear life, thinking of ways to maneuver around orders to the contrary.Who wouldn't be in awe of this character?

Most of us walk around, avoiding eye contact, forgetting that the car in front of you holds an actual person inside... with feelings, with a family, with a beating heart.

We put ourselves on the back burner, muttering that we'll get to it later.  How did the things that make us miserable become priorities over the things that bring us joy and life?

We watch other people struggling or being treated like dirt and we turn the other cheek.  We let ourselves be stepped on by people that others tell us are better than us, shoving the urge to speak out deep down until it manifests as physical pain, anger or anxiety.

I think it's time to start acting like Katniss.It's time to find ourselves again.

The Principles of Katniss

Be True To You

Katniss never put on makeup for herself.  She dressed in what was comfortable, not what she thought everyone else would want to see her in.Only you know who you truly are.Be true to you, no matter what anyone else says.  You are the only one of you out there and there's a reason you're here on this earth being you!If you spend your whole life trying to be someone else, your purpose will never be fulfilled.When you are true to yourself–not your pride or your sense of entitlement–you'd be surprised how difficult treating someone else poorly can become.  When you are connected to your self, you will better understand the human condition, and have empathy for it.

Do What You Love

Katniss didn't feel like Katniss when she couldn't hunt, so she got out and did it as often as she could.  She made it a priority even when it got dangerous.  She knew that hunting would calm her anxiety and bring her back to her true self.Do you have a hobby that brings you alive?  Hey, if it doesn't hurt anyone else, I say do it.  And–unlike Katniss–I don't think you should do it if it's dangerous, but you should make it a priority, even when it seems like you can't possible squeeze it into your day.  Make it an appointment, just like one you would make with a dentist or a doctor.  This is a tool I use for new personal training clients, too!One of the quickest ways to your true self is through love and doing what you love.The joy that comes from it is contagious!  Give other people the gift of your best self, and they will benefit, too!

Be Brave: Speak Up

This is something Katniss was very good at and it got her into trouble a few times.  But that's why people looked up to her so much!Leaders speak their mind, no matter how intimidating, frightening, or self-incriminating it may be.Katniss is a leader.  If you've read Dave Ursillo's book, Lead Without Followers, you know that everyone can be a leader (watch my interview with him here).  Leaders are not just a select few that have somehow been deemed stronger and smarter and better than the rest of us.WE ARE ALL LEADERS.But we have to step up to the plate and claim the role.A direct route to discovering your true self is speaking up for what you believe in.I was a little too good at this in high school, but I also went about it in the wrong way.  It can be risky, but the rewards far outweigh the drawbacks. Just make sure you're speaking up in a way that is respectful and not hurtful.  You can read more about how I recommend you do this in my post, The F**k 'Em Principle and pay particular attention to the The Difference Between Good F**k ‘Em and Bad F**k ‘Em section.You'll feel like yourself instantly, even if that comes along with fear.  Remember my motto:If it scares and excites you, you're probably on to something worthwhile.*****

Ok this is the fun part...

What character do you look up to most and why?  They can be from a book, movie, play, wherever!  I want to hear about who inspires you most!Looking forward to getting inspired by you!