The 3 Elements That Will Make You An Outstanding Coach

The 3 Elements That Will Make You An Outstanding Coach

I have been blessed to become a fitness personality, cover model and celebrity trainer, but it's not because I lucked into it. My coaching and teaching philosophy has evolved into one that has made me an outstanding coach, trainer, instructor and all-around leader after years of effort and growth.

There are more and more of us heart-centered trainers waking up each day, but it’s still a fairly new concept.

For a long time, trainers were mostly focused on surface goals, placing emotional states and histories out of the picture. While we could tell clients all day long exactly what to eat and what kinds of exercises to do, we were blind to the fact that the inner state had just as much sway on the results as the external behaviors we championed.

Now, my coaching practice is a very different, much more complex picture. You’re here reading this because you have been feeling the call to rise up into a higher form of teaching, too.

At this stage of becoming a heart-centered trainer, it’s important to lay down the foundation for which you can build your evolved coaching career. Here are the 3 elements that will make you a truly outstanding coach, trainer, instructor, teacher and leader.

Lead from the heart

No matter what you do, always speak and act from a place of love. Clients will be more open to your instruction and suggestions when you are compassionate about their struggles and their dreams (goals). You are here to light up the world; every single person you coach gets you one step closer to fulfilling that purpose.

Acknowledge the unknown

Many of us trainers are spiritual, but afraid to talk about it for fear of being too woo-woo. While I do not condone trying to “convert” people to a certain religion or belief system in your sessions, gently including elements of the spiritual with widely-accepted terms like “Universe” or “Higher Power” can help clients feel more empowered and supported in the grandest ways.

For instance, if I had a client that was really struggling with the plateau she’s hit, I might tell her: “You are exactly where you need to be. This will pass as we explore new actions to take, but in the meantime, practice love and acceptance for where you are, expressing gratitude to the Universe for everything you’ve achieved so far. The Universe has your back on this. Trust.”

Saying this to my client might allow her to release some of the stress she’s holding onto over getting to her goal, therefore, lowering cortisol hormones and allowing her to start seeing more results.

Address the mental state & how it affects the physical

There’s a lot that physical science cannot yet explain. While we can look at calories in and calories out for weight loss, for example, the energy in which your client lives will affect the speed at which you get results. If your client is “blocked,” it is likely that he/she will experience those same blocks when trying to achieve physical results.

Outstanding coaches work with their clients to alleviate those mental and emotional blocks so that progress can be made physically. There are many ways to do this including meditation, breath work, mindset reframing and affirmation integration. Finding what works for you and your clients will take experimentation and experience.

No matter what your specialty or how long you’ve been in the fitness industry, believe that you are meant to be here, and your voice needs to be heard. I truly believe that every single one of us has light to bring in our own ways. There will be someone out there who needs to hear what you have to say from you, not from me. There is no competition; just different voices. When you realize that, you welcome in the opportunity for massive success.

If you want to level up your fitness career to new heights, I’m here for you.

My premier mentorship program in conjunction with a course that changed my life (NY Times Bestseller Gabrielle Bernstein’s Spirit Junkie Masterclass Digital) is now open for enrollment. In it, I’ll guide you through the Masterclass, relating each module to our fitness careers. We’ll meet weekly for live group coaching sessions, and we’ll even meet one-on-one for a 20-minute Skype session to amplify and clarify your message so that you can become a leader in your niche.

For all the information about my mentorship program and The Spirit Junkie Masterclass Digital, click here.

Please don’t delay: enrollment closes Friday, October 9th!

I hope this post has helped you elevate your practice and get a little closer to your purpose. Now, go light up the world, movement-makers!

Stay strong,


You are not here merely to make a living.