How Being Stubborn Can Save Your Life

How Being Stubborn Could Save Your LifeThe moment I decided to stop playing the victim, my life changed forever. Since I've experienced this transformation first-hand, I know that every single one of you out there has what it takes to turn your own lives around.A few times a week, I'll receive emails from Strongies who say that they don't know what to do. They're in so much pain and they're trying so hard to be positive, but they just can't seem to hold onto it.To that, I say that it's a process and it gets easier with practice, but I also give this one, simple piece of advice:

Refuse to let it rule your life.

Just refuse.

Refuse to be the victim of your circumstances. Be the hero instead.

Refuse to let the pain tint the rest of your life. Make arguments for why you're blessed.

Refuse to give up on your goals. Fight for them, and believe they're there for you.

To create a life of your choosing, you have to be stubborn. You have to refuse to accept what you are given if all you are getting is pain. Then, you must have the courage to look toward the source, and determine why you keep taking from it.Before every action you take (or don't), acknowledge the choice you're about to make.You choose to let the struggle take you, or you choose to rise above it.It will seem as if rising is harder at first. It will seem like difficult work, changing habits and redirecting your automatic thoughts, but the life you create will be a hell of a lot more enjoyable then the one you'll live if you never choose to fight.This is your story. You write it.Too many of us argue for the victim voice that tells us we're too weak to put up a fight; that it won't do us any good anyways.Let today be the day you refuse to listen anymore. Make your voice louder.Stay strong,AmyStrong Inside Tour Update!The crowdfunding campaign for The Strong Inside Out Tour launches next week!We can really use all the help we can get to spread the word and get funded so we can take this movement back across The US. I'm really excited to share it with you, as well as the new ideas we have in the works to create a lasting impact for participants in each of the cities (and even for you if you can't make it!).Please stay tuned and open your emails from us next week! Let's move mountains, Strongies. :)