Rise: Life Can Never Be The Same

RiseIt's the 2nd best part of the movie.

  • The mutant realizes his powers.
  • The woman sees her husband at a restaurant with another woman.
  • The hero's loved one dies right before their first anniversary.

It's the moment the hero realizes life can never be the same.

These events make for great drama, but realistically, no one wants these things to happen. ...I mean, except for the superpower one. ;)No one wants to hit rock bottom before they realize life needs to change, but most people feel like they need that dramatic event to shock them into changing.

  • A heart attack.
  • An injury.
  • The attempt at trying on pants from a year ago.
  • Having to sit out while your kids run and play without you.

No one deserves to experience this first-hand.And I don't think anyone has to.While it's definitely a kick in the rear to hit your lowest low, I wouldn't wish it on anyone. I believe that someone can choose a major life change without all the drama. It's why I wrote Make This Your Moment.You simply have to want it beyond the passive act. You have to argue that you can achieve it more than you cower to the voice that says you cannot. You have to open up to its possibility, and ignore the people who tell you otherwise just because they haven't done it. You have to go out and MAKE it happen instead of waiting around for it to happen to you.There will be obstacles. You will get embarrassed and scared and frustrated. There will be failures.But there will also be victories. You will be triumphant and wise and full of gratitude. There will be happiness and fulfillment beyond what you can imagine at this moment....which leads us to the best part of the movie. The part where the protagonist takes what he's learned from his failures, and wins.Why is it our favorite part? Because we can see ourselves in him. We can feel our own hero waking up inside us when we see someone who has been beaten, rise up and take back what's his.And if we can feel that hero wake inside us, why do we smother him again? We must we allow our fear to push down our heroine?

In order to create change, to rise victoriously from average to epic, we must first have the moment in which we realize our lives can never be the same.

So why not have it today? Why not have it right now?If you are unhappy with something in your life, especially if it has nagged at you for a while, can you acknowledge how that will never go away if you don't take action to change it?Do you see how life can never be the same if you wish to rise above whatever is holding you back from greatness?Embrace it now. Make this your moment to rise. [tweet]

Stay strong,Amy