Put on Your Power: 4 Attitude Shifts That Make It Easy

Have you ever noticed that when you put on your favorite dress, you walk differently?Ok, guys, if I haven't completely lost you at that first line, stick with me here; there's something you can take away from this, too. Whenever I say "dress," just replace it with "suit." :)When you wear a dress, you stand straighter, hold your head higher. Maybe you smile more because you feel more confident. Maybe you walk one foot in front of the other like you're on a tight rope so you don't "walk like a farmer" ...as my mother used to say. Love you, Mom!Something happens when you put on that piece of clothing. Something inside you. You step into a more powerful version of yourself.You own that dress.Here's my theory: you can step into your personal power just as easily as you can when you put on your favorite dress. You can wear it whenever you want, even if physically you're in sweats and a beat-up tee.And here's the kicker: it's not hard! You can do it by trying any one of these 4 attitude shifts, which is super handy if you're about to walk into a room of people you don't know or you're prepping for a presentation at work.Trust me: try any of these 4 attitude shifts and see just how easy it is to put on your power every time you need it. Try them all on; they're one size fits all. ;)

1. I Am Worthy

Many of our issues with unleashing our personal power revolve around the fear of not being worthy. If you worry about trying your best and sucking, or letting others down (or maybe letting yourself down), you know this fear well.What I want you to recognize right here and now is that no matter what you think about yourself, you are worthy of being seen and heard.You were given a voice for a reason. Use it. [tweet]The easiest way to tap into this recognition of self-worth is to breathe deep into a calm place, and then ask yourself: "If everyone else's voice is worthy of being heard, why not mine?"Bet you can't come up with an answer to justify anything but this: you're 100% worthy.

2. Give You, Give Love

When I'm nervous before getting on stage or meeting someone new, I'll repeat this mantra: "Give you. Give love."Over and over and over."Give you. Give love."That's all I can give. Literally it's the most I can ever give to whoever I am with, and this mantra is the simplest way I've found to root myself in my truth before I step into fear. It takes that closeness to truth to remember what's not important to me, and what is not.Giving value, hope, and love to those who need/want it = important.Making every other person on earth like me = not.

3. You Can Do No Wrong

Sometimes when I'm really scared, I'll work a little magic that an acting teacher taught me once. I'll commit to the idea that I can do no wrong.Nothing I say, nothing I do, nothing I think is wrong in the minutes that follow.No, it's not an attitude that you should be adopting at all times, but it can really help in the moments that you're riddled with or paralyzed by doubt.This attitude shift only works if you fully commit to it. If you do, it can wash away all power-sucking doubt so that you can just get back to being you in all your radiant radocity.

4. If They Don't Like It, Eff 'Em

You were not created for everyone to like you. If your voice is unique, someone will likely not want to hear it. They might even be mean or judgy about it.And that's fine. Eff 'em.Their perception does not create your reality, so stop being so hurt when they try to put out your fire. [tweet]All you can give is you, and that is unique; more X than your coworkers, and less Y than your friends. So they may or may not be your biggest fans.It just. Doesn't. Matter.If you give you–if you act from your truth–you're doing the best you can. If they don't like it, learn from their critique (or just respectfully acknowledge it if you don't agree) and move on.Their opinions will not make or break you. YOU make or break you.Your power will always be there for you to put on at will. All you need to do is choose which way to wear it.And hey. It's always in fashion. ;)Stay strong,Amy

attitude, give, love, power, worth1 Comment