Why "Personal Development" Makes Me Wanna Hurl & What We're Doing to Revolutionize It

personal development

Strong Inside Out has become so much more than a fitness site. We've embraced the term "personal development," and taken it to new levels... because we happen to think there's a bit of an issue with how people view "personal development" nowadays.

When you hear the term, "personal development," what comes to mind? Is it meditation? Maybe yoga or juicing? Perhaps it's holding hands around an intention fire while swaying gently back and forth. Yeah, that's what I think of, too.

It's a term that makes some of us cringe a little because, well, it's just so woo-woo. You walk into the Personal Development aisle of the bookstore and all you see is cursive, watercolors and illustrations of doves. Blegh.

Here at Strong Inside Out, we refuse to accept the interpretation of personal development as simply reading a book, searching for our intentions and then willing them to materialize. We think action.

Big, bold, ball-requiring action (girls, you too).

The trap of personal development lies in reflection, which is essential for the growth process, yes, but it's also the main reason why we don't take the action it takes to make s**t happen.

In order to grow, we must first realize where we are now, which takes reflection. Otherwise, how would we know what to work on?

So many of us get caught up in the reflection part of the equation that the moving forward step never gets taken.

You can't develop if you don't do something. You can't move forward if you don't MOVE.

For a lot of us who struggle with overwhelm, depression or anxiety, the action step is easier reflected upon than done.

The thought of changing our lives brings about the consideration of every single thing that needs improvement.

  • You don't work out enough.
  • You don't eat healthy enough.
  • You're not happy enough.
  • You're just so tired and beat down from being this way that you can't even fathom the energy it will take to do all of this.

So you don't do it. You reflect upon personal development and hope that one day, you'll feel ready.

Well, big sis Amy is here to pull you out that front door into "readiness," kicking and screaming if I have to. I'm going to bring you into our personal development revolution. You know why?


I know it's hard. I know it sucks. I've heard every expletive in the book hurled at me while helping people through this process.

It's worth it.

This is why Strong Inside Out exists, and it's why we're doing this tour.

Readers often lament that they distance themselves from the movement (even if they think it's a great source of inspiration) because they think that it's too hard or too much, and that there's no way that they could ever accomplish the kind of change they want to make.

When I can meet the people who don't think that they can make these changes, talk to them one one one, and involve them in this program we're trying to create, I can help them prove to themselves that the fight exists within them.

Inspiration to action is our new interpretation of "personal development," and the most sure way we can help produce that in the people who want it is to show them that this is possible. In person. By their side. Pulling them through the door that they've been too overwhelmed to step through before.

I know I'm talking nonstop about the tour right now, and you're probably ready for me to get back into the fitness posts and make some freaking videos already (I’m on it as soon as fundraising's over!), but this is necessary. I can't do this without you.

We have just over one week left of this campaign, and we need you more than ever. With just over 50% to go, we need your faith, your generosity and your voice.

There are 3 very easy things you can do to help everyone in this world find their fight:

  1. Pledge your Starbucks for the week ($25) to the movement. Five people making this small sacrifice will make it possible to buy a plane ticket to one city where I can reach 50+ people. Pledge here by choosing the Mantra Motivations or Stick It To Struggle perk.
  2. Click to tweet this: Will you pledge your Starbucks for 1 week ($25) to give hope to the struggling? Help them find their fight: http://bit.ly/1r9vQr1 #SIOTour
  3. Copy this and share it on Facebook or in an email to your friends and family >> This movement helps the depressed, anxious and overwhelmed use fitness to move through the pain. If you have ever suffered from depression, or know anyone who does, please consider helping this cause that gives 50% of their proceeds to suicide prevention charity. It’s the final week to make this #SIOTour happen! http://igg.me/at/siotour

We can do this, Strongies. We can show the world what being strong–inside and out–truly means!

Stay strong,


P.S. If you’re in Portland, I certainly hope to see you out at CrossFit Portland for the very first stop of The Strong Inside Out Tour! Click here for details.