Love Where You're At

Every time I go on facebook, I see at least one update that's just one big long complaint about one of the following:•Their job•Their weight•Their relationship status•Their life not being perfectA friend of mine wrote to me this week and said that she's so happy that I've found something I really love, and that she hopes to one day have the clarity and peace that I seem to have found.One of the reasons that I am so happy with my current situation is that I don't fight against it.I love where I am, no matter where I am.Two days ago, I read a post by one of my favorite women in the world, Danielle LaPorte, called in honor of the fact that life is short: ecstatic sex, quitting, and wearing your best.  Here is one quote that stayed with me:

"fall in love. with yourself. with the person you're with. with the persons in your orbit.because no one is perfect, but you can let the love be perfect for the both of you.because everyone -- everyone -- is a doorway to God.because you can get there from here."

How often do you find yourself falling in love with where you are now, who you are now, or who you're with now?  How often do you fight for your current situation instead of hoping for the better day that may never come?Do me a favor.Today, choose to love today.Choose to love who you are now.Choose to love where you are now.Choose to love who you're with now.Choose to love your current situation, no matter what it is.THIS is the foundation of everything I write on this blog.You decide how you will live your life.Will you constantly fight against your present like I used to?Or will you choose to accept where you are, love it, and know that you need to be here to get there.Just for today, try this:

Every time you find yourself complaining about your life, choose to let that negativity go, and refocus on loving it.

If you're in a job you hate where you're not appreciated and aren't paid enough to deal with the Bill Lumberg that is your boss, know that this job is putting that dent on your resume that you'll need to get into the job you really want.  Know that this job pays your bills, buys you food, pays your rent, allows you the ability to see what you DON'T want in future jobs.  Or quit.If you feel like your relationship is dull or boring, analyze why you're in it, then choose to either recommit or get out.  Take action rather than sit back and let it happen to you.You choose.You choose.You choose.Choose happiness.  Choose love.  Choose to let go.Or don't.  And let others choose for you.