How To Enjoy Life... because apparently it's not that simple

Sounds like a ridiculously generic title, doesn't it?How To Enjoy LifeApparently, a hell of a lot of people don't know how to do this, or just choose not to.And why?Why are we all lost in our haze of semi-misery or complacency?  How have we gotten to this point in which living requires too much effort?This needs to stop.  This complaining, drudging, not caring bullsh** needs to end.It's so simple to just go out and EXPERIENCE everything in your life, yet we choose to make it complicated.If it hurts, at least you know that feeling so when something feels good, it's that much better.If you don't like it, congratulations!  You can cross one thing off your list that you never waste your time with again.If you find out what you're doing isn't what you want to be doing, then thank God you found out now and didn't spend the rest of your life in a situation that's anything less than extraordinary.It's so simple to go out and live life, but very few people do it.Why?Fear?  Laziness?  Ignorance?All of the above?Now I don't think people are stupid.  In fact, I think people are much smarter and stronger than they give themselves credit for.  Realizing that in themselves is a different story.I'm in the process of writing my very first ebook from scratch and this problem is part of the theme.  I just don't think it has to be so hard.  I think we're thinking our way into obstacles rather than thinking our way around them... or even better, taking action to get through them.

Do me a favor today: live.

Go out and feel the sun on your face, on your arms, on your neck.  Soak up those deathly UV rays and be grateful for the warmth and delicious D vitamins they provide and that you can FEEL IT.Go out and look at something pretty.  A flower.  A girl.  Your reflection as you pass by a window.  TAKE IT IN and realize there are people who would give their right arm in order to see that shade of vibrant magenta or check their hair in a mirror.Go out and be with someone.  Don't just sit there and pretend to listen while you actually think about how many things you have to do at work later. BE THERE. Be with him.  Listen to how his voice sounds.  He's chosen YOU to be with at this moment.Go call someone that loves you dearly whom you haven't spoken to in the last week.  I don't mean an ex... unless you want to open that can of worms all over again... I mean your grandmother, mom, sibling, uncle, dear friend that lives back at home.  I mean someone that you can hear love from.  SOAK IN THAT LOVE like a sponge and enjoy how that love feels in every single cell of your body.Stop being afraid to be passionate about something.  Go out and sound ridiculous about how much you care about animals or children or the environment or teen fiction or whatever gets you excited to talk about.  PASSION SPREADS from one part of your life to others.  Once you realize what passion feels like (or I should say, re-discover what passion feels like), you'll want to feel that way in every area of your life.TAKE THAT CHANCE.  Ask her out.  Propose that idea.  Start writing that book.  Sign up for that class.  Tell fear to go f*** itself today.  Because you're worth more than your fear will let you realize.Drive somewhere you've always wanted to go this weekend.  Pack up the kids.  Go for a day, for a few hours.  Go somewhere pretty.  Even if it's close, go get out of your everyday norm and SHOCK YOUR SENSES with the beauty of change.Stop saying you're going to and DO IT.Feel your feelings.  Good, bad, mediocre.  Feel them.  DEAL WITH THEM rather than stuffing them over and over again.  Face them and do what you need to do to make yourself feel good again.That's a hell of a lot of action steps today, guys.  It's a challenge.  I'm gonna challenge you to live your life today.You don't have to, but I see no reason why you wouldn't want to.To live and feel has become almost weird and looked down upon.  Those that live their lives passionately are seen as new-agey hippies or weirdos.Well, I'm pretty weird.  And I'm pretty damn happy.  I'll take both of them if they don't come exclusively.  Because I wouldn't give up happy for anything.If you're reading my blog, happiness and health are most likely important to you.  So instead of simply reading about them today, I want you to go out and DO what I keep saying you should do: live.Do what all those annoying Bed Bath and Beyond posters tell you to do: Live, Laugh, Love.  And let me add one: "Stop letting fear dictate your actions."Fear keeps most people from living their entire lives past adolescence (remember when you used to get so excited about presents during the holidays? or when your imagination used to be your best friend and you'd create a whole world out of a cardboard box?!).  Don't miss out on your life by submitting to the dominatrix that is everything you're afraid of.Get out there and live a little.

Or a lot.

If you liked this post, you'll probably like Love Where You're At and The Truth About Change.Come say hi on Facebook, Twitter and Pinterest!  I'm there wayyyyy too often. ;)