Fire Up Your Life

Fire Up Your LifeI asked you guys a few weeks ago for some feedback on what you needed more of from me and Strong Inside Out, and I'm addressing exactly that at the end of today's post.If you can contain your excitement until then, however, I would love to share with you how I came to develop a very special gift for you... If you can't, go ahead and scroll. No judgments. ;)

When was the last time you got fired up about anything?

I mean über-passionate, ready n' rarin' to go, with motivation that just won't quit.How cool would it be to wake up with drive? How much more enjoyable would your days be, knowing that you are on your way to creating your life on purpose?THIS is the place I love to live in, and what I've been trying to inspire you to do for a few years now. This is the vigor and vibrance I want you to step into in your DAILY life as well.But I feel like it's only really now that I've been able to offer an exact way to do so... for free anyways. :)More on that in a sec, but let's cover exactly what the difference is between being fired up and being lights out.The big difference between feeling fired up and being lights out is simply knowing what you're going after, and doing something about it. This is the most bare-bones explanation, so let's dive in to a bit more detail...

When you're lights out:

  • You're going after an ethereal goal in a loose, disconnected way.
  • You're aiming for something, but you're not quite sure what it is or if it really means that much to you.
  • You have no plan.
  • You have no deadlines.
  • You lack commitment because, well, there's nothing really to commit to yet.

What happens to your life when you're not fired up?

  • You go after things half-assed because you don't really know where to put your energy. You don't know where you're going.
  • You ultimately give up or fail because nothing was clear. You didn't know what you were after, or you didn't set it up in a way that was conducive to your accomplishment of it.

Boo, right? None of that sounds like fun. So let's talk about the opposite condition...

When you're fired up:

  • You know exactly what you want and why
  • You have a plan of action, detailed and specific
  • You have realistic deadlines that you're hitting ALL the time, so you're always feeling accomplished, which fuels your motivation because you now know you can do it!
  • You are determined to take consistent action because your why is so personal and important to you.

What happens to your life when you're fired up?

  • You take action each and every day. You know what needs to be done and you do it. Simple as that.
  • You succeed! You give yourself no option otherwise.
  • You radiate because you are creating your life on purpose! You are living the dream!

My goal is to help you unleash your strong, and that doesn't include living your life with the lights out.

The key to living your life fired up so that you can be as strong as you deserve to be, is creating goals that lead you toward the life of your purposeful creation. It's a process that people just don't know how to set up correctly, and that's something I really want to help with.Over my years of personal training, life coaching and setting up my own massive dreams for success, I've developed a process that translates to any goal.That's why I created this...

Introducing The Fire Up Challenge

The Fire Up ChallengeI've put together a full month of guided emails sent directly to you three times a week with specific homework designed to get you fired up to create your life on purpose!


The more Strongies we have out there, firing up their lives, the more strength we can unleash in all of the Strongies-to-be around us. Together, we will motivate others by leading by example.Here's exactly how I've broken down each week so you know what you'll be getting yourself into:


Discovering what you want & why to develop a prioritized list of tangible goals


Fueling your fire with inspiration, breaking your big goals down into attainable, fathomable mini goals, and learning how to schedule them for realistic attainment


Burning out obstacles and creating space for success


Making it happen and what to do when you encounter obstacles

In addition to the 3x/week emails, I'll be offering a free weekly Google Hangout on Thursdays at 12 noon PT. I can't wait to actually hang with all of you and answer your questions "in person!" :)

Everything starts on February 24th.

Strongies, I hope you'll join me on my quest to fire up the world by first firing up your life. To join The Fire Up Challenge, sign up in this field below:

We're sorry, but The Fire Up Challenge has concluded. Sign up to receive regular emails so you get notified the next time we have a free challenge!

[gravityform id="8" title="true" description="true"]Seriously, guys, there's no catch to this. It's free, and honestly, I really want to be there for you more than I am here in type.With these Hangouts, I get to connect with you in person no matter where you live, and learn from you about what works and what doesn't. I also hope for it to become a place for us to support each other as we go through this challenge together.I just want to give you what you need, and I've found that so many of the problems I hear about from my new clients boil down to poor goal-setting.It is with all of me that I want this challenge to clear out all that sludgy darkness holding you back from your well-deserved life on fire.Looking forward to doing this with you all! If you have questions, please leave them below and I'll get back to each as soon as I can. :)Here's to your life on FIRE...Stay strong,AmyP.S. Have you heard?! I'm teaching at Camp Nerd Fitness in Clayton, GA this September! It's going to be a ridiculously good time, and I hope you'll come join me! Click here for all the details.