Desk Stretches (with video)

Do you work at a desk most of the day?  Do you work at a computer?  Drive a car?

Most of us do at least one of these things, and that's just life in the modern world.  Thing is, we weren't meant to be hunched over at a desk all day long!I've gotten requests from numerous readers lately for stretches that would be good to do at the office.  Though today's post isn't the most epic thus far, it's pretty important in the grand scheme of things.If you think about it, we're putting ourselves into fetal position for hours on end while we sit at our desks or in our cars.  Our shortened muscles get used to that position and start staying that way.  Remember when your mother said, "Keep making that face and it'll freeze like that?"  Well, there's some truth to that threat.You end up feeling like this:Constant sitting, hunching and lack of activity produces an imbalanced kinetic chain (the body and the way it works together to produce movement).If your body's imbalanced, you're more likely to hurt yourself doing everyday activities.  What's the fun in telling someone you tore a rotator cuff putting your seatbelt on?! (This injury is actually a LOT more common than you may think)These stretches that I'm about to teach you are crucial to re-balancing your body out of its tightened state, and keeping yourself from future injury.Reclaim comfort in your functional, daily life by elongating those tightened muscle groups!

Hip Flexors

Trainer-y Tips:

  • Make sure your hips are level and your back is not arched
  • Keep the toes on the back foot pressing into the ground
  • Pull your lower abs toward your spine, and squeeze the butt cheek on the same side of the leg that has the knee on the floor.

Twisting Marilyn

Trainer-y Tips:

  • If you have any issues with the discs in your spine, skip this stretch!
  • Keep your back straight
  • Push your chest out
  • If you work in a common area, maybe save this for when you get home... especially if you're a guy ;)

Door Frame

Trainer-y Tips:

  • Keep your shoulders away from your ears
  • Go into this stretch gently
  • Keep your back straight

Chest and Shoulders

Trainer-y Tips:

  • Keep your back straight
  • Pull your abs toward your spine
  • Keep your shoulders away from your ears
  • Try not to jut your chin forward


Trainer-y Tips:

  • Be gentle!
  • Relax your shoulders
  • Don't hunch forward; sit up straight

*****That's it!  I hope these quick, simple not-too-embarrassing-to-do-in-front-of-others stretches help loosen you out of that desk jockey state that we're all in!I shot these videos after hearing from readers that they wanted to learn more about stretches to do in the office.

Is there something you want to see me cover in a video or blog post?  Leave it in the comments below and I will strongly consider it!

Don't forget to check me out on Facebook, and follow me on Twitter and Pinterest!Please be advised that you should always obtain consent from a physician before engaging in physical activity. Check out my disclaimer.