3 Sayings You Should Stop Saying

3 Sayings You Should Stop SayingOn your way to achieving all your lofty ambitions, you're likely to hear all the old adages that have kept people safe and silent for ages. Today, we're going to blow the lid off of these old sayings and get you to start saying something a bit different.Stop listening to people who want to keep you from moving forward, and start saying your own words of encouragement!Your dreams are worth fighting for. Replace the following old sayings that are bound to keep you right where you don't want to be, with the sayings I use as mottos at the end of this post...

A bird in the hand...

You know the old saying, "A bird in the hand is worth two in the bush."What it means is that you should basically take opportunities as they present themselves, rather than seeking bigger and better ones that you are not sure exist.I'd like to challenge that notion today.What if the bird you have is... well... dull? What if your bird doesn't fly like you want it to? What if your bird just isn't the one you were hoping it would be?If you're dreaming of a bird that's colorful and flies with grace and passion, then a pigeon with a broken wing is likely going to leave you feeling cheated.You have to give yourself time to see what the bushes have to offer.The world is full of pigeons. You're likely to find the same one or a similar bird if the bushes are empty.Don't settle for a bird in the hand if you haven't explored the bushes.

Good things come to those who wait...

I believed this old proverb for wayyyyy too long before I found out the truth behind it.So many of us wait and wait and wait for the perfect time and circumstances to take action.You can't wait for your goals to come to you; you must create them for yourself.Good things come to those who go get them. That's what I say NOW.

Better safe than sorry...

Safe is often just the same as sorry in my experience coaching. Not all the time, but many times.Safe is doing what you know. Safe is comfort. Safe is staying the same.If you keep playing it safe, the extraordinary life you seek is almost impossible.In order to create a life beyond that which comes easily, you will have to get a little risky. Without risk, there is no change.Think of all the beautiful changes that occur in nature...

A diamond must endure extreme pressure to become its illustrous self.

Rivers must carve out land in order to reach the sea.

The bird that learns to fly must take that initial push out of the nest.

Risk is not something to be sorry about ever taking, because at least you tried.

Here are the proverbs you should start saying...

There's an exception to every rule...

Don't live by the rules other people have laid out for you; create your own. You don't have to let old ideas govern the way you live your life.If someone says, "that will never work," question it.Are the consequences to this action absolute, or is there some wiggle room? Is there a way to take this action differently that may produce a different outcome?The key here is to be honest and creative. Explore the limits of the rule and just how concrete they are.ย Use rules as a guideline, but don't let them keep you in a cage.

Do unto others as you would have them do unto you...

This is one idea that I grew up with and will always hold on to. I strongly believe that the way you treat those around you is the same treatment you bring upon yourself.If you act from a place of love, you will get that in return.If you act from anger and hate, you will also get that in return.Think of the way you act as a loan. Whatever you give to someone else, you are bound to get back.

It's better to light a candle than to curse the darkness...

Rather than lamenting over all the reasons you are different than those who you want to be like, instead look at all the ways you are different that make you the amazing, unique person that you are!Wallowing in self-pity is all-too familiar to any of us, especially those of us who struggle with depression. Don't beat yourself up for beating yourself up; just light a candle.When you feel low, start listing out all you have to be thankful for. Here's a starter list to get you going right now:

  1. List 3 things you love about yourself.
  2. List 3 sources of support you have in your life, and the ways they help you.
  3. List 3 reasons why your goals are important to you.

In a notebook or a google doc, keep a running list of the above items. Look it over and add to it every time you start feeling yourself being pulled under.Special note to those with depression: do not allow your negative thoughts to victimize you out of this exercise! When your thoughts go to the opposite of these answers, force yourself back into a state of gratitude. Focus. Breathe. You will get through this.

Where there's a will, there's a way...

Some people will tell you that your ambitions are too extravagant. They'll roll their eyes at your enthusiasm. They'll caution you with tales of failure.If you know what you want, you cannot let them tell you otherwise.People don't often fail so much as give up on their way to accomplishment. [click to tweet]Decide if your goal is important enough to you to go after, then take action and create it! If it is important to you, you will push through the obstacles that surface. You will encounter the tough times with determination and strength.You will create your own opportunities. You will build the life you want to live. You will find a way.And if you find thatโ€“later on down the roadโ€“your goal is not as important to you as it once was, so be it. It's ok to let go of old goals that don't thrill you like they used to.

Tomorrow is another day.

When all is said and done, you can only do so much in a day. Sometimes we get a lot accomplished and feel great about ourselves. Others, we lie down in bed for the night, wondering what we did all day. Others still we may feel like we backtracked.Tomorrow is another day. New and fresh, full of endless possibilities to start over.Just because you didn't meet your expectations for the day, or maybe you feel like you fell off the wagon, doesn't mean you've ruined your chances forever.Just get back up. Try again tomorrow.And you know, stay strong while you're at it. ;)-Amy