When It's Over, It Begins

I want to talk about something that applies to you today. Yes, you.No matter who you are or where you're at, today I'm talking directly to you. Just you and me.There has doubtless been a point in your life when you thought everything you worked hard for was over.

You failed miserably at something you set out to do.

You backtracked on your healthy eating plan one weekend and felt like all your hard work to get healthy was lost.

You got sick and couldn't work out for a couple weeks, then came back and saw all your strength gains vanish into thin air.

Your relationship dissolved and all that love transformed into regret and stomach-twisting agony.

You may have even thought life was over, for whatever reason. You might have lost hope.

Some of you reading now will see this in hindsight. You can tell me what you've learned from that low point and what you did differently from then on.You can tell me how you thrive now. You can say, "I realized that the end was the beginning."For most people, it is. We can look back and see that ending we thought we would never overcome, and name the steps that we took to rise above it.When you're in the midst of all that pain, however, it's extremely difficult to see the light.At this moment, there are people in your life who feel like they're stuck at the end with no way to go on. These are friends, family members, coworkers, schoolmates, people you buy coffee from every day...They don't hear our words of wisdom in their cores. They can't relate with our stories of triumph. All they feel–all they know–is this unending pain.What if you had the chance to talk with them just as I am talking with you, one-on-one? Would you tell them that there's a better life ahead for them? Would you give them opportunities to see a professional for help? Would you give them a shoulder to cry on? Would you make it relatable for the teens and young adults who feel alone in their struggle, and are tired of hearing adults talk down at them?This is exactly why To Write Love On Her Arms exists. They do all of the above in a way that speaks directly to that person who feels lost.I know I'm talking a lot about my 30x30 Project and the hope movement, but this is everything to me. The idea that I can save someone from losing hope keeps me from being too afraid to ask for your help.I've realized over the last few months as I worked to create this movement: the fear of asking for help, and my tendency to seek permission before I act were keeping me from the extraordinary life we talked about on Monday. It's interesting, when you look back at events in your life in hindsight...


When I first thought of the idea to create this project, I turned to Chris Guillebeau, founder of The Art of Nonconformity and The World Domination Summit. He was one of the biggest inspirations of my motivation to dream bigger thanks to WDS and The $100 Investment, so I knew he'd be the perfect person to ask for help.After emailing back and forth for a few days, I was lucky enough to catch Chris at the LA $100 Startup meetup in the summer, and I fired tons of questions at him. When I started asking just for asking's sake, Chris looked me in the eyes with no-BS-compassion and asked:"What else do you need from me in order to make this happen?"I suddenly realized, in that moment, that I had been waiting for permission to strive further than the safe area of my blog and personal training career."Nothing," I responded, more confident than I'd felt in a long time."I'm going to make it happen."Now I use his question as a mantra of sorts when I feel stuck. I ask myself:

What else can I do to make this happen?

And that's what I turn to now. To make this happen, I must overcome that fear of asking for help, and I cannot wait for permission to do it.I'm reaching out, I'm asking for help even though I feel guilty for doing so, and I'm putting all I've got into this dream of inspiring hope into those who feel lost.And I think we can do it.No, I know we can.Whether you know it or not, you're a part of this movement. Your voice, your story, add power to our cause.No matter where you are in life, you've struggled. You've felt low. You've despaired.

You are not alone.

Hopefully, since my talk with Chris Brogan on Wednesday, you know that now more than ever.We speak so that others who are still silent may find their voice. [click to tweet]The time has come for me to ask you to speak up.You don't have to share your private stories or even admit to having struggled at all. That's a personal choice and not necessary for recovery or even to help others...I ask you to simply show your support. Please share The 30x30 Project with people you want to give hope to. If you have it, give $5 and I'll sing your name in a youtube video (despite my fear of singing in public)!We're down to the last day of the campaign and I still have about 40% to go. That may sound like a lot, but I refuse to stop hoping.Here are some easy click-to-tweets:

Last day to fund the hope movement! 30 cities + 30 bootcamps = strength for the struggling: http://bit.ly/30x30project @StrongInsideOut

Know someone who's losing hope? Don't worry, we've found it: http://bit.ly/30x30project Last day to give! @StrongInsideOut

Help @StrongInsideOut create widespread hope w/The #30x30 Project. Last day to donate! http://bit.ly/30x30project 

Here are some extra incentives you may not have noticed...Dave Ursillo, author, coach & wonderful friend of mine who I've interviewed here on SIO, has donated 5 Literati memberships to $100 perk donors! 4 are already gone, so make sure to get on it ASAP if you want to join this supportive writer's group geared toward encouraging your creative journey! Read more about The Literati by clicking here.The referral contest is still going and will be until the campaign closes at 11:59 am! Please remember to use the share buttons at the top of the indiegogo page while logged in to your indiegogo account (otherwise I can't track them). You get some super cool shirts and a personalized workout from me (with video)!******As we come to the end of this campaign, I am reminded of all those beginnings of the past that I couldn't see until after the fact.As I sit here in anxious uncertainty, doubts brimming to the surface, and emotions on high, I hold those beginnings close as I fight the sinking feeling of failure.Though I'm unsure of how today will end, I am sure of one thing...

This is just the beginning.

Stay strong, guys,Amyphoto credit: Armosa Studios