Automatic to Manual: The Chance of a Moment

Automatic to ManualToday, I want to talk about that crucial millisecond when you decide to shift, or coast.

It's that moment you decide to get in your car and go to the gym or sit on your couch for the 10th day in a row.

It's that moment when you decide to dive into a binge or ask yourself what you really need that leads you to want to stuff down the discomfort.

It's that moment when someone says something horrible to you and you decide whether to take it on as truth or consider it a reflection of their own personal pain.

In a moment, your life can shift from automatic to manual.

Manual is harder because it takes effort to act in a way you're not accustomed to acting. It takes courage and vulnerability to acknowledge that the way you have been acting isn't getting you where you want to go.Manual takes mindfulness at every turn... until it becomes your new automatic.

The reactions that take so much effort now will become your default.

Proving to yourself that you are capable of making different choices is tough, but it's the only way to achieve true self-respect and self-love. Since you're here on SIO reading this, I'm guessing that's one of your personal goals.I encourage you as you go through your week, to be aware of when the opportunity strikes to take different action. Recognize every chance you have to do differently, whether you choose to or not.In that moment lies the key to true strength. Who you are is a product of who you choose to be in these moments. Choose wisely, my friend.Stay strong,Amy