Writing Your Story: Inspiration to Overcome Fear

Have you ever believed in something so deeply, fought for something so unbelievably risky, that you feel like you may just combust from the effort?Because this dream, this life you see for yourself, this reality you're already living in your mind, would be such a devestating loss if it fell apart?Many of us get to this point, only to turn back around.The imminent depth of emotion scares us to death, so we retreat to the comfort of certainty.The threat of such a devastating loss breaks us before it ever has a chance to become our experience.We save ourselves from overwhelming pain, but in the process, we deprive ourselves of breathtaking beauty, staggering amounts of joy, and the realization of our full potential.I know what it's like to tell yourself that the process will be too difficult to complete, that it's not worth the work it will take, that doing all that it will take will exhaust you beyond repair.I know what it's like to feel like you might just break.I know that you're feeling like there's no way you can sustain this push, that you'll just fall apart if you don't choose to stop trying.But you know, as well as I do, that if you stop trying, you'll look back and feel the same loss (if not worse) knowing that you gave up. The regret you'll feel will trump this fear, and the knowledge of what could have been will be overwhelming in its own right.When you feel this terror, this panic that drives you to give up, remember why you started at all.

Your life deserves to be everything you dream it CAN be.

You deserve to live an adventure of epic proportions.

You deserve to live and breathe to your own grammy-nominated soundtrack.

You deserve to experience every iota of your life in hypercolor HD.

You are writing your story. How moving do you want it to be?*****I want to express my deepest gratitude to you for reading Strong Inside Out and making it the community it is today.As you probably know, I'm working on an epic project at the moment that requires much of my attention, which unfortunately leaves me with less time to write here.Knowing what I would suggest to each and every one of you if you were to reach out to me for help on being spread too thin, I have decided to take my own advice and cut back on posting temporarily.For the next few weeks, I am going to decrease my posting schedule to one time per week. This will give me more time to devote to the quality of each post, and to focus on my big project. I think you'll understand when you hear about it very VERY soon. :)Thank you for all your support and love. It strengthens me every day.Stay strong guys,Amy